i7 @ 4ghz @ 1.4v
BFG GTX 280 OC 2x Sli @ Stock OC
Full load = 861w
So I would say no 850w will not be enough!
Got some brown-talk going on here.
You're aware that an 850w suplies 850w for the components, which, if it were an 80% efficient PSU would be 80% of the power it's drawing from the wall?
Putting it simply, for an 850w PSU to supply 850w to the components, it would be drawing 1060 from the wall.
So, if it's drawing say 850 from the wall, it's well within its limits anyway as it's only supplying 690 to the components.
I don't get how you've worked out 2 GTX280s and an I7 setup will draw over 850w, that's just complete idocy if you geniunely think that.
GTX295 SLI in an I7 setup doesn't even use 800W so your suposed fact is not actually fact at all.
Care to demonstrait where you came up with those figures?
Your current 850w PSU will be absolutely fine, it's well capable of powering what you want.
Although I think you're crazy for wanting GTX295 SLI, I'd personally get a 4870X2 and or wait for the new cards coming in a few months, save you a lot of money for no noticable difference in performance.
Here's some tests by bit-tech that measure the power draw at the wall for an i7 setup with various graphics setups.
So remember, assuming your PSU is AT LEAST 80% efficient, which all new ones have to be, you'll be safe to assume that your PSU will suck 1060+w from the wall at peak.
So you'd have over 300w overhead with your current PC for an SLI GTX295 set up, but I wouldn't recommend going for that anyway.