Public speaking

I think one of the best ways to stop yourself speeding up if you're nervous is to use a metronome.

If you're presenting without a laptop search for a vibrating metronome on your app/play store. Set it to 60 bpm then you can just rest your hand on your pocket and get a grasp for how quick time is going. Or, if you decide you want to speak at around 140 words per minute (which is in the recommended conversational range), you could set it at 140 or a factor of (say half, 70) and use that to check yourself.

I'm sure there's similar apps/websites you could use on a laptop as well, or just open the clock and note how quickly the seconds are going.
Film yourself on your mobile (I find it better than a mirror) then watch it back and compare your clip with someone you like to watch and try to emulate the things that you think made their speech "good" (pace, rhythm etc). It's amazing how much you can learn about "what makes a good speech", irrespective of the topic, by how well practised, knowledgeable and enthusiastic the speaker is.

When I started teaching in the classroom (adults) for the first time I already knew I was confident about speaking "in public" as it were and I was very knowledgable on the topics but my first few lessons were still quite stilted as I was so nervous and wasn't enthusiastic at all. However once I'd regained my enthusiasm a few lesson later my technique massively improved and there was a noticeable improvement in instructor/student engagement as well.
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Speed is probably the hardest thing to get right. I've been known to write "Stop Here" on my notes when I'm presenting at work.
Never had the nerve to video myself doing anything, let alone public speaking...
What's the best way to improve yourself at public speaking? I find this hard but would love to improve.

How many people? Work or social?

Plan your speech and have some cards with key points written on them. Even if you don’t need them, they keep you from waving your hands around like an Italian on speed while you talk.

If you’re going to use visual aids/projected slides, for ****’s sake make them readable and easy to understand. Refer to them, never, ever just read them out to the audience.
What's the best way to improve yourself at public speaking? I find this hard but would love to improve.

Know what you’re going to say in advance. Try not to be witty or use big words.
Speak with conviction about your topic in the way you would about something you are knowledgeable about.
Remember your audience is listening and wants to hear what you’ve got to say.

Dont be afraid to write out what you’re going to say and reduce to notes to help you remember what you want to say.

Keep hands away from your face/mouth when speaking and sit up/stand up straight.

Don’t be afraid to make eye contact/look at people in your audience.

Those are a few that come to mind.
My job has a tendency to demand quite a lot of public speaking, my advice is:

Know your subject extremely well. Confidence in the subject translates to confidence in speaking about the subject.

Rehearse the speech it's self... understand the order you intend to cover things and practice.
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