Puzzle help (PuzzleOcelot)

Man of Honour
17 Oct 2002
Hi all,

Don't know if anyone remembers Puzzle Donkey from back in the day (currently a FB app I think)? Well PuzzleOcelot is very similar. I've been putting some of the questions up on our works Intranet with wee prizes, but one of them is completely doing my nut in. This one!!

Puzzle 17: Along the Right Lines

1 = Blue

2 = Blue

3 = Green

4 = Blue

5 = Red

6 = Green

7 = Brown

8 = ?

Anyone tried PuzzleOcelot and managed to get the answer to this? Or any puzzle masters fancy giving it a go? I thought I knew the answer but it aint accepted. Won't reveal my line of thinking quite yet as I could be going down the completely wrong path. HELP!!!!
Man of Honour
17 Oct 2002
I can't even do the first 5 :( :o

Oh they are plenty tough! I've only managed to get a handful so far but number 17 is doing my nut in, moreso than the others because I feel I've got so close!

On the bright side I've become a bit of an expert on Thomas the Tank Engine:o
Man of Honour
17 Oct 2002
Could you give us a few spoilers, then - all the answers you know with explanations?

I'd just like to know the mindset required for this sort of thing :D

As ricky says there's really no specific mindset. I just try and approach the questions from as many angles as possible - but a lot of them take time to find the right approach. For the say what you see questions I like to write down all the possibilities for each picture then try and find something that fits.

I will share my workings for number 17, in the hope someone can either finish it or tell me I'm going down the wrong route.

Possible spoiler!

The numbers and colours match up with Thomas the tank engine.

1 = Blue (Thomas)
2 = Blue (Edward)
3 = Green (Henry)
4 = Blue (Gordon)
5 = Red (James)
6 = Green (Percy)
7 = Brown (Toby)
8 = Green (Duck)

Duck was given number 8 on his arrival. He was painted green, but this doesn't work. The type of green is "GWR Green" or "Brunswick green" - neither of which are correct either! I've tried his name(s), and also went down the path that number 8 could be Emily rather than Duck, but still nothing fits. GRRRRRR!!
Man of Honour
17 Oct 2002
Hard to find fault in your logic on that one, I wonder if it's just not accepting the right answer because it seems far too much of a coincidence that all the other numbers match.

Aye. When I got the specific shade(s) of colour I was sure one of them would work. Might see if I can get in touch with the host to see what's up. I have noticed a couple of mistakes in other puzzles (either that or I'm not working them out right), so I guess it's possible. Anything to put me out my misery:p
Man of Honour
17 Oct 2002
you got me thinking maybe the answer was something to do with the question name. Along the right lines, maybe suggesting what line the train is from or is currently from. i don't think the answer will be a colour

The question name got me thinking of trains in the first place. Never thought it could be the actual line the train worked out. Just tried what lines I could find from Duck's page on the Thomas the Tank wiki (great site lol) but unfortunately none of them are working.
Man of Honour
17 Oct 2002
Yeah i tried a lot from wiki too, the first thing i thought was ducks name was montague but that didn't work either.

did you get question 1 SWYS

Yep, but it only made sense after I got it!

Spoiler, highlight below:

The first two pictures were easy enough but I had to guess the word on those two alone. Find out what the 'pet name' of the phone in question is and you're there.
Man of Honour
17 Oct 2002
Erm well it's pretty pointless giving a hint i just think the answer to the question is wrong.

If you want me to just tell then just say lol

Oh now give me the answer to Q1 LOL

Jesus don't think I would have ever got that! OK an answer for an answer then:p

Axe / Seller / Rant = accelerant
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