PVC Door Panel (cat flap)

25 Sep 2003
Ok, so this is going in to the realms of the mundane but we wanted to know if it's possible to swap out a panel in a door to put in another panel with cat flap. I'm getting bored of constantly getting up and opening the door to let the two of them in and out!

Not sure if it's possible, but it looks like the panel may be removable. I'd like to swap it over while we're here then put the plain panel back in when we move. Is this possible? I thought of all the places, OcUK is the place where someone will actually know! :)

Door pics! https://goo.gl/photos/uN51sfHeEkqNM3XN9 (the black lining feels like firm rubber)
How much I should I pay for a new panel? Can I get it myself or better to just get someone out to swap it over?

We had a chip reading one before but had to leave it in the door when we left. It wasn't cheap either!
Great, thanks everyone. I quickly popped the old panel out, measured it up and I've ordered a new panel (they actually pre-cut if you ask, so they will be cutting it to size).

I've also managed to get a new Sureflap with microchip reader and curfew modes for £22 ( http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/112336354335?_trksid=p2060353.m2749.l2649&ssPageName=STRK:MEBIDX:IT ), paid by Paypal as it's most likely a scam.

I've installed one of these Sureflaps before so hopefully it will be a ~40 minute job when everything is here. I'm getting another panel as it's a rented place, I can swap it back to original in no time when we leave.

Thanks again!
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