Q: Should R&B be called R&B?

Isn't it Rhythm and Bass? Nothing to do with the old outmoded R&B styles.

There is a lot of talent in the genre along with lots of crap. Excellent for dancing to :)
Isn't it Rhythm and Bass? Nothing to do with the old outmoded R&B styles.

And heres me thinking is stood for rhyming and bs.. :D :D Just seems crazy to nick another genres handle to describe something completely different... Me i play in an Agricultural Ambient Grindcore Post Rock Goth Psychedelic band.. :p
FireMoon said:
Just seems crazy to nick another genres handle to describe something completely different...
Meh, if it improves it I don't reckon it is such a big deal, especially if the one it is replacing isn't a current genre.
Codmate said:
We used to call it 'soul music'.

No we didn't.
I was going soul discos in the late 60's early 70's and modern R&B was nothing like that.

This new R&B shouldn't be called R&B because virtually every rock/blues cover band in the country is called an R&B band meaning they are Rock and Blues.
However to dismiss modern R&B as crap is immature because every now and then a really good record pops out.
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