q-tec psu's?

27 Oct 2005
I have started this thread becourse I want to know what people had trouble with q-tec psu's, i had been running on a q-tec 650 w for over half a year(had, not have, atm im on akasa powerplus 550w) and no probs with psu exploding or any strange sounds just lines werent really stable but aside that i thought i was a good psu for general desktop use (not for gaming tho) for gamign tho it caused instability due to big drop in +12 line, however I cant believe that ppl say it explodes or damaged other stuff, so pls share your story's.

(btw if you wounder what pc i have that stressed *** q-tec and the psu I have now: Asus p4c800 deluxe mobo
intel p4 3.4 ghz prescott socket 478, 800 mhz fsb, just overclocked by one fsb(summer, cant afford watercooling and too lazy actually to change coolign at all, cpu becomes too hot if overclocking in summer)
2gb (4x512) dual channel ram 3-3-3-8 ddr400
6600GT 128 mb
2 ide 133 hdd's
1 sata hdd
dvdrw and dvd player
5 80 mm fans ( 2 led fans, 3 normall ones)
1 cold cathode stick

So, if anyone has anything to say about q-tec psu's, shoot...
I had a Qtec in my old AthlonXP 2200. It went bang with some black smoke as well. As far as I can remember, it didn't take anything else with it, which was good.
yup it works until it goes bang. You think you're saving money by skimping on something, and when it fails takes everything else with it. So you'll have to pay out for a new PSU and a new system. I know someone who purchased cheap tyres, one blew within a very short distance and he trashed the car. True could happen on any tyre, but after the crash nothing sharp was found on the road. Only 3rd party F&T insurance, so lost couple of grand.

You learn this once in your life, and won't do it again. Same for model car "I don't need a failsafe". Wrong.
squiffy said:
yup it works until it goes bang. You think you're saving money by skimping on something, and when it fails takes everything else with it. So you'll have to pay out for a new PSU and a new system. I know someone who purchased cheap tyres, one blew within a very short distance and he trashed the car. True could happen on any tyre, but after the crash nothing sharp was found on the road. Only 3rd party F&T insurance, so lost couple of grand.

You learn this once in your life, and won't do it again. Same for model car "I don't need a failsafe". Wrong.

hit the nail on the head there. you think your saving money but it costs you a lot more in the end.
You don't want Qtec, you want StarNet! :p

I used to have a 4/550w StarNet PSU and it truly rocked in terms of rails until the day my housemate's cat chewed through a USB cable and caused the PSU to explode the instant I tried to turn on my PC.

That was a fun experience indeed :)
snowdog said:
So, if anyone has anything to say about q-tec psu's, shoot...

This is all I have to say (or show)


I had a Qtec 450 Gold when they first came out and I had that in a few systems and it was fine.

I eventually got rid of it about 3 years ago when my mate's PSU went to the great gig in the sky.

He has been running on that ever since and thats as I said about 3 years ago ( When was a P4 2.6 brand new? - it was about 4 months after that, that he had it )

And to this day, its been perfect for him.

I also bought a 550W Qtec a hell of a long time ago too, probably before I gave my mate that 450w one, and thats been a great workhorse too!

Thts still in one of my PCs now, although its had a lot of work over the years, its not being hammered anymore, and only runs a fairly basic PC ( XP2400 / 80GBHD / 1GBRAM / Rad9700Pro ) and thats one of my sons at this time.

Both those PSUs have been solid little workhorses for me, and both still live.

I will be completely honest with you here, but I think that these have been the exception, as the horror stories going around are 10 a penny about Qtec PSUs

Other PSUs that are cheap and nasty, are ColorsIT, and Magna, and gues what? I have some of those too and they are fine... Wouldnt trust them in my main systems however, but for driving some of my LAN Pcs they seem to be fine.

Ones to avoid are those crappy 300w / 350w jobs that they supply in cases... Avoid those like the plague, they are nto only cruddy and in reality they are about 120w, they are also dangerous to the point of being close to lethal.
Qtec are terrible, but i have a download machin an skt 754, with a 6800GT in and with a 500watt QTEC in and its still running... its runnin a SKT 754 3400 newcastle core built the week that CPU came out and still goin i think im just damn lucky. but yes they are terrible lol

P.s i have just cursed it havent i!!!
Well some ppl say they explode some say they work fine, for me it worked fine exept that it just didnt provide enough power for my pc making some games crash after some time, i know its my psu cos I did the prime 95 test with the q-tec and my akasa and its stable for 21 h with the akasa and unstable after 23 minutes with the q-tec, but i think q-tec is good enough for stuff like browsing, watchign a dvd, just anything but video editing and 3d stuff...

Edit: and for pc's with mainstream gfx cards offcourse, or p3's or equivilent amd's, atm the q-tec is gone frm my pc and being used in a pentium 3 800 mhz, where it has rock solid lines (undertstandable tho, as that p3 used to have a 165W generic psu, better 650w wich is actually 320ish than 165 wich is actually 100 or somit, the 165 had just 2 amperes on *** 2 volt lines, lol, was one of first psu's for atx and was designed for micro atx)
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Each to thier own i suppose as i have used a few Qtecs and had no problems with them! I suppose if you use a standard system, without stressing it with Overclocking then they should be fine.
Share stories? sure.

I had mine with a XP 2400 and a Ti4200, it lasted 6 months before i got a beauty of a burning smell and it died, im just thankful it didnt take out anything on my PC.

Wouldnt touch them with a barge pole, i actually understand the terms of you get what you pay for.
If you value your pc and like to tinker around with it, I recommend a decent PSU. I've shorted my old enermax twice before and each time the protection mechanism shut it down immediately before any components could get damanged. If a cat chewed trhough my usb cable the system would probably survive.
i ihad a 550 watt dual fan one (in reality the max wattage it gave was about 300.) from day 1, one of the fans didnt work properly. i had to constantly poke it to get it to spin.
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mc_bob said:
I fail to see the funny side of that picture...

in your life there have been jokes about all sorts of tragedy, that you and everyone else for that matter have split their sides over so dont suddenly try and turn hippocritical now.
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