q6600 on p5k Noob in need

6 Aug 2007
Copied from overclocking thread:

Have been reading the forums for a while and although there is stacks of info in here, for a complete noob to overclocking such as myself I still can't find exactly what I want.

I have

Asus P5K deluxe (latest firmware) (just bought the optional fans .... waste of time)
Q6600 (AS TIM)
4 x OCUK 1Gb DDR2 PC2-8500C5 1066MHz (with copper ram sinks)
3 x 400gb + 1 x 160gb disks
2 dvd-rw
upgraded fans & fan controller

Thermaltake Kandalf LCS
Vista 32 and 64 ultimate dual boot

Now i know this is not a pro WC setup but all I want to do is OC the the CPU. I also know there is no "definate" OC possible but I was wondering if someone has the same chip and board could give me an idea of the settings and I could tweak it up or down from there.

At the moment it's running 50s at 100% load across the cores at 410x8 so 3280. And obviously its still got some go in it but I'm confused as to what to do next as increasing the voltage doesnt seem to make it stable at higher speeds ... is there other voltages I should be altering ?!?!

I also want to utilise the speed of the ram so is multiplyer "less" important than the bus speed ??!??

just confused ... would like 3400 out of it sub 65-70 @ load and ram running at what it should.



ps I know the Kandalf LCS isn't the best case out there but for a triple rad WC kit it works out to about £50 give or take .... i was going to by the CM Stacker but that costs more (although it may be better) without the kit so it was a no brainer for me.
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