Q6600 Overclock - Currently @ 3.2GHz

ok well for two sticks 1.55v NB should be plenty

tbh unless you are benching at high FSB and clock speeds then I would suggest that you only need to change what you have and leave the rest on Auto, I would not touch your FSBT voltage :) leave that on auto one of the few voltages that will damage your motherboard if set incorrectly..
again would leave it at auto, is another one of the voltages that can damage your CPU/Motherboard.. and is only required @ high clock and FSB speeds to help stabalise the connection between CPU and Motherboard.. would set it @ 1.6v MAX but try and get away with lower
In regards to the FSBT voltage, what does it stand for

Front Side Bus Termination Voltage, as to what it does increasing the voltage increases stability at higher FSB and clock speeds... but am not 100% certain on what you should be running at best to leave it at auto or wait for someone like weescott or webbo to comment :)
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would set it @ 1.6v MAX but try and get away with lower

Yeah, my CPU PLL is at 1.616v at the moment according to the BIOS, but I will leave it on auto as well as the FSBT since I am not particularly keen on breaking anything just yet :) . I might however just set the CPU PLL to 1.6v in the BIOS, since I doubt it needs the extra 0.016v.

I have just lowered my NB voltage again to 1.53v and am running a Prime95 blend test as I type, although nothing seems to be wrong at the moment. Cheers for all your help, it is always appreciated.
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Wow, I have been lowering my NB voltage and I have so far managed to decrease it from 1.63v to 1.33v in the BIOS where it is fully stable running a Prime95 blend test.

I will continue lowering it tomorrow, as well as my Vcore which still hasn't given me any problems at 1.36875v in the BIOS and 1.312v in CPU-Z (Q6600 @ 3.6GHz).

I tried setting my CPU PLL to 1.6v in the BIOS, but when I checked back later it was measuring it way higher at around 1.69v/1.7v, so I put it back to auto for the time being so it is now displaying as 1.616v again. Do you have any ideas why it did this?
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Today I managed to lower the NB voltage to the lowest value the motherboard allows me to set it to, at 1.25v. Running a Prime95 blend test at that voltage for a few hours was fine, and no errors occurred.

I also took apart my PC again to improve the airflow by taping cables to the back of the case, and my temps have improved a nice amount. I will be lowering my Vcore over the next few days as well :D .
Just checked mine at idle


Is prime good with Quad cores? I've read some people have had problems with it.
Prime95 v25.4 will do you nicely - make sure you hit "Round off checking" on the Advanced menu, or it won't report errors and just chug along peacefully.

btw, I think v25.5 is out, but I haven't read much about it...
My Vcore is now as low as it will go at 1.36875v in the BIOS and 1.312 in CPU-Z. I tried lowering it more, but my PC restarted and my BIOS complained. So, at 3.6GHz here are my temperatures:

Core #0: 36°C
Core #1: 34°C
Core #2: 35°C
Core #3: 36°C

Load (Prime95@Small FFTs - 22mins):
Core #0: 59°C
Core #1: 59°C
Core #2: 57°C
Core #3: 57°C

All of the readings are when my ambient room temperature is 23°C, so I am very pleased with the results. What do you guys think of them, should I try and get the clock higher?
My idle temps are low has you've seen but when I used prime for 30 mins they hit 67C. I think this maybe due to the poor RPM of the retail fans which is less than 2000. Saying that my PC is a media centre type so I wouldn't want to much noise.
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