Q6600 Water Cooled Build Log

Yea, I got a fancy bay reservior, with some UV reactive Blue liquid & a couple of Blue LED's looks the business with the water bobbling around at the front...

Just showin off the size of my Epeen really :p
Yeah I got some Feser One UV fluid stuff. No point really as I don't have a windowed side panel for my Lian Li, plus I have no UV lights. I'll get some pics this weekend I think. Hopeing for 3.6GHz min with the Q6600. SHould see my 3DMARK score rise healthily.
no answer to my too many volts could it kill the chip question :(

The only real way you can kill it is with temps, which are related directly to volts... But generally from things i've read up to 1.6vcore is fine as long as you can cool it properly...

You will notice from my cpu-z screeny that the actual vcore is 1.6 & not 1.65 as set on my mobo due to vdrop...
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A close up pic of the bay res, now i have both LED's sleeved & installed


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The only real way you can kill it is with temps, which are related directly to volts... But generally from things i've read up to 1.6vcore is fine as long as you can cool it properly...

You will notice from my cpu-z screeny that the actual vcore is 1.6 & not 1.65 as set on my mobo due to vdroop...

VDrop, not VDroop m8. ;) I love the pics now I can see them ;) You have done a fantastic job.
Nice Job Monstermunch!

How long have you been into watercooling as that all looks quite complicated?

Been into building PC's for years...

Clocking about 5 years...

Watercooling... this is my first attempt! ;) Just read a bit about it and had some great advice from people like weescott
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