Quake 5 announced!!!!

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Conanius said:
on the second of april? erm...

**** maybe an aussi forum would have been better never even thought :rolleyes: (never left ocuk behind when i moved ;))

this is embarasing :rolleyes:
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timmy1988 said:
**** maybe an aussi forum would have been better never even thought :rolleyes: (never left ocuk behind when i moved ;))
this is embarasing :rolleyes:

That would've been even more emabarrassing, Australia is ahead of the UK.
KNiVES said:
There's been what, 6 of these now

There has although I have been expecting the "Official official" April fools thread or even a "Spec me, eyglass me" an April fools prank over in GD.
can some1 delete this and pretend it never happend?

much appreciated


Im funny most times honest :rolleyes:
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sup3rc0w said:
Try and prove it, jokes on you bud :D

warren_1979 said:
Anything concrete about an AGP version yet?

timmy1988 said:
why would they make them out of concrete?

u stand corrected :D

link http://forums.overclockers.co.uk/showthread.php?t=17712130

and there was another time where some guy was so annoyed cause he thought no1 was gettin the point he made

Someone said:
Am i on another planet or something?

timmy1988 said:
you must have a damn good isp if you are ;)
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