Quake champions

Depends for me more what the gameplay is like - if done correctly I'm not against load outs and character abilities aslong as they are more a companion rather than deciding factor in fights.

Signed up again but I should already be registered.

EDIT: LOL at the "selling" points of "unlocked framerate" and "120Hz gameplay" - atleast though Bethseda aren't ignoring those aspects.
Ahhhh yis, still playing quake 3/live to this day ever since 99'.

It must look awful. I remember everything flat, blocky with the strange skies and the obvious tiling textures even though I loved it back then.


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That's the problem nowadays.. who cares what gfxs like look quake live is still a top game. R_picmip 10 and everything was 1 colour..

Spent over 12 years playing quake 3
Who cares? If nobody cares why are we where we are with huge level design and vegetation? Team Arena was trying to go down that path.
Quake Live is almost perfect IMO. Yes, I know many players will say that Live "pre steam" was best but for many, it was not so.

Champions is something to go alongside Live I think, not in place of.

Credit to them for shaking it up, but did it need shaking up? Time will tell.

With this and the new Unreal, good times indeed.

Even better that Champions is PC Exclusive, Bethesda have not ruled out console at later time but playing this with a pad would suck ***.
It must look awful. I remember everything flat, blocky with the strange skies and the obvious tiling textures even though I loved it back then.

Quake was never ever about the graphics for me, i ran picmip 5 from day one with r_mapoverbrightbits really high. Basically a flat textureless land with a bright enemy. I disabled the sky so it was just a black texture lol. Anyone ever fancy a game just add me on steam, I also have a free copy of it in my gift inventory, currently learning how to duel again :)
That's the problem nowadays.. who cares what gfxs like look quake live is still a top game. R_picmip 10 and everything was 1 colour..

Spent over 12 years playing quake 3

I remember playing you Westie, I think you had a yellow i in your name, definitely remember you in Rocket Arena 3, always remember you were a player not to be ****** with haha. I was sl1p back in the day.
Quake was never ever about the graphics for me, i ran picmip 5 from day one with r_mapoverbrightbits really high. Basically a flat textureless land with a bright enemy. I disabled the sky so it was just a black texture lol. Anyone ever fancy a game just add me on steam, I also have a free copy of it in my gift inventory, currently learning how to duel again :)

Frustrating that was. I remember with another player dueling one of the map developers of Splashdamage back in the early 00s, Wills think it was. The guy was nearly god like. I could never finish him off. Yet he just seemed to predict what I was thinking. Q3F duels. He just destroyed you, both of us even.

I also remember the times fov 120 and even 140. Was a bit unsettling 140.

I was never fortunate enough to be a LPB back then. Most of them were on ADSL or Cable and T1 back then while I was on measly ISDN with 40 - 45 ish ping. They had 15 - 25. Some even single digits.

Fun times Q3F.
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Yeah dude I was 56k player for about 2 years and when I finally got on 512k adsl with about 50 ping, it was like pure heaven. Dueling is great fun as long as you are playing with someone who is roughly the same level as you!
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