Quake IV - I feel cheated.

14 Jul 2004
This is exactly the same as Star Trek Voyager - Elite Force, which is a 5 year old game - even some of the missions are the same. This is average in every way. I was willing to forgive Doom3, at least it had a new engine, but this is disapointing.

I.D. are reduced to cashing in on their good old titles - thats very sad, they used to lead the field in PC games. Raven used to design decent games too, what happened?

At least I got this cheap. Cheap price tag, cheap cash in :mad:

Raven and I.D. need a boot up the ass :mad: I won't buy anymore of their games unless they seriously shape up :mad:

If you loved the old quake games than STAY AWAY from this, you'll get very upset.
The thing is people tend to buy quake games or any fps for that matter for the multiplayer so they wouldn't care what the single player was like (it will only usually get played once).
DDave said:
The thing is people tend to buy quake games or any fps for that matter for the multiplayer so they wouldn't care what the single player was like (it will only usually get played once).

Ehm, no, thats no excuse. I, along with loads of gamers happen to love single player fps. More so than multiplayer games, even. I go for a bit of story, suspense and thrill. If they're going to do it, it should be done well, not a cash in effort like this.

This is an average production on BOTH single and multiplayer - a rehash of a five year old game. Yeah, I'm disapointed, and I have a right to be if I fork out the $$. I've been suckered by I.D. Never thought I'd say it :(
thought the SP was pretty good myself, i've heard a lot of ppl liked it. MP is decent but i still prefer q3 but then Q4 needs abit of time to mature with mods etc.

each to there own i guess..
I thought the SP was dull, although it looked fantastic (apart from the skyboxes - wtf :confused: ) and MP was/is superb. It needs a MP patch tho....badly....and many people are giving it up and either going back to Q3 or moving onto something else entirely. If Raven/id don't pull their fingers out the MP side will be dead before too much longer.
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I liked it.

It was fun an enjoyable to play.

Don;t really care about storyline really, all i wanted was it to entertain me for a bit, and it did.
I got this a few days ago and im up to the bit where one of our ships was blown up (Just been semi converted to a Strogg :().

The whole game upto this point feels very "samey". Go unlock a door then return to team. Go rescue a squad member and return him to the team. Not to mention the endless corridors. Its a shame really, they could have done a lot more with it.
I only paid a tenner for Q4 so it didn't really bother me that the single player was a bit dull. The only reason I bought it was for the multiplayer but I really do wish ID had put bots in, I've tried a beta of SA Bot (Stupid Angry Bot) but it was pretty awful.
I quite liked it. Nothing ground breaking but it's a good solid no-brainer FPS. Nothing wrong with that.

The thing is people tend to buy quake games or any fps for that matter for the multiplayer so they wouldn't care what the single player was like (it will only usually get played once).
I always buy games for the single player. I gave the multiplayer a try but I'm not really too interested in it. So many people these days only care about multiplayer, am I weird for enjoying singleplayer games more?
I really liked the sp too, precisely because it reminded me of Voyager. Looked fantastic, good team mate AI, and some really atmospheric locations.

It's a fairly by the numbers affair without a doubt, but I found it very enjoyable.
I quite liked the SP aspect of it. I was never a big fan of q3 online side of things so the mp in q4 was pretty alright - very fast stuff - takes getting used to.
I would have liked a better gfx card tho cos my x800xtpe was struggling at 1600x1200 :p - had to wack it down to 1152x864 for any decent fps w/ aa/af on etc :)
My only real gripe was the shadows - which i think was more a problem with my card prolly - as they were pretty aweful in places - weren't lining up properly and were covering objects they shouldn't etc ... ended up just turning them off - wasn't a biggy to be fair !
bfar said:
If you loved the old quake games than STAY AWAY from this, you'll get very upset.

I own and have completed all the Quake series apart from Q3 which I got bored with and I can't say I was all that disappointed with Q4. Sure it isn't as fresh or exciting as Quake or even Q2 was but it was still a pretty good game and competently executed. Since it was pretty cheap as well(~£20) when I bought it the game didn't seem like a rip-off either :)
Sleepery said:
a fairly by the numbers affair without a doubt, but I found it very enjoyable.

I can't say it's a bad game, its alright, but thats precisely why I'm so mad at this. It seems to me we're going though a period of mediocre productions, and we’re totally tolerating it! There was a time when this was an innovative, competitive genre, and great original titles with new ideas where flying out thick and fast.

But if I have to play another game with a find-button-to-open-door mission, I’ll scream.

The old Quake games were a labour of love. This is a blatant ‘just do what we did before’ production.
I noticed on gamespy the other day that theres more people playing Tribes2 online than there is Q4 on pc. I couldn't recommend this game for single player, feels like a doom3 mod. Multiplayer is only played by immuture people with delusions of being a pro gamer.
Theres probably more people playing tribes2 as it's free and you need a decent spec pc to play quake4.
ive played the single player mode for abit and didnt like it (nothing different from other games) and the only reason i havent sold the game is the multiplayer. From time to time i like to have a quick blast online.
loads of people felt cheated when it came out :( the singleplayer was crap altho I didn't buy it for that.
The multiplayer was even worse. Also all the bugs make it almost unplayable.

At least you didn't pay too much for it, me and loads of others pre-ordered it after playing all the others in the quake series, only to get this beta type game that will never be fixed :(
X-No control on the numbers of packet sent to the server, always at 60, a number that floods 64k upstream or sometimes even better connections to a laged 999 ping state. Solution, provide a command like quake3 cl_maxpackets.

Server Related Issues
X-Any client who does not have at least the pk4 (basic and customs) that are on the server will not be able to connect at all, even if the pk4 are not currently in use (maps...)
Any client who has some pk4 the server does not have will get an useless game shutdown step and vid restart.
The download of pk4 from the server or from another url (would have been nice) is broken.
Any client running another mod (fs_game) than the server will experience game shutdowns and restarts indefinitely. Only alt-f4 seems to break the loop.
X-The var net_serversnapshotdelay seems to be very approximative, and to treat wide intervals of the var with the same packets rate instead of using provided values.

Game Issues
X-During a CTF as well as a TDM game a spectator can open console and can change their "ui_team" to either strogg and marine, and read in on the team chat of said team.
X-When playing TDM names appear blank instead of displaying the player's real nick.
X-A player sometimes sees their teammates in an enemy model. (eg: strogg sees his teammate, who should be strogg, as a marine, but still has the teammate icon overhead)
X-g_voteFlags does not have any affect.
X-Bobbing cvars are server-side (I'll mention it, but I don't think it'll be changed)
X-Impressive award sometimes gets awared even if you hit a shot, miss, and hit.
X-When telefragged, hud message will show you were killed by the telefragger's weapon.
X-When a player dies, their death grunt will be repeated a lot faster than normal and ontop of eachother.

In-game Server Browser
Fixed- Support for only 1000 servers.
Fixed- In-game server browser window does not relate to the appropriate server.
Fixed- No scrolling support for arrow keys and scroll-wheel.

X- LG sound (randomly?) loops, only fixable by map restart (replication unknown)
X- Zoom mode stays toggled on the zoomable weapon. Switching from a zoomable weapon to a nonzoomable weapon and back to a zoomable weapon, the zoom will still be toggled on.

X- Scores are not displayed
X- No POV identity displayed
X- When playing a netdemo, the viewer's name and clan tag will change to the name and clan tag of the player in the demo.
X- After netdemo playback is done you are stuck with a full-screened console.

X-Netdemo changes local parameters (more than just name/clan tag). Such as lighting, brightness, and showgun. bloated netcode?
X-Netdemo playback is lagged, sometimes rail trails are missing, as are the rocket launcher's projectile.

Scoreboard and related
X- Gauntlet kills don't show in "Most Used Weapons" list after game's end
X-Death messages sometimes don't appear on the HUD
X-Stats for other players are not always shown at the end of a game (sometimes no stats for players are kept).

Sound Issues
X- Game sounds get dropped. This may be due to system limitations, but it should prioritise. Eg, ambient sounds should drop before footstep sounds, footstep sounds should drop before weapon sounds, weapon sounds should drop before player hit sounds.
X-Hitsounds and crosshair indication aren't consisten (most notably with the lg)
X-Footsteps sounds are also inconsistent (most noticeable by fast movement input)

I don't think the pc version is going to get fixed any time soon either considering carmack is moving the main dev and support over to the xbox360 :(
I bought this for the mp. Saying that I loved the sp game. It was definately not all average. It was basic, had very easy parts but also looked better than most other games and still ran a lot more smoothly than I expected. It had big bosses that I enjoyed encountering and predictable gameplay that I expected of a sequel.

I'm still playing the multiplayer some time after purchasing. I never played Q3 online and am still more of a UT2004 player but Q4 gives me exactly what I want. I didn't want it to move on and be innovative, just prettier and similar to Q3.

I'm not sure what you expected bfar, shame you feel cheated. No review said it was ground breaking or new in terms of gameplay.

edit ;)
"All the bugs make it unplayable"
A little harsh maybe? If I can load up, join a game and play with no noticable bugs (apart from sounds dropping out rarely) and have a great time for a couple of hours; then I'd say that's pretty playable. A lot of those bugs you've quoted are pretty annoying and some are just minor quibbles and really shouldn't in a "finished" game. But to write it off when, in-game, the experience is fine seems unfair. Q3 had to mature, so will Q4. If not, back to UT2004 for me!
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NutritioN said:
A lot of those bugs you've quoted are pretty annoying and some are just minor quibbles and really shouldn't in a "finished" game. But to write it off when, in-game, the experience is fine seems unfair. Q3 had to mature, so will Q4. If not, back to UT2004 for me!
I thought the same about giving it time to mature but it's been out ages now and there's been 1 patch which only fixed the rubbish server browser :(

Now the main dev+testing has been moved to xbox360 I don't see any chance of it being fixed. Overall it is very reminiscent of a console game in that it's very limited.

I know people are making mods but I don't see mods fixing all those bugs tbh. I also think it's poor that the development of the game seems to be put into the gamers hands, mods are good but to be expected to raise a dead game out of the ashes is a bit much.
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