Quake4 meets SOFII

Swex said:
ah yes! SOF2, the most fun i've had in a MP game. i didn't realise anyone still played it... might have to dig out the old copy and re-install it. what servers do some of you play on?

I still only ever play on the terrorclan holland servers. never any lag, i know a few people from when i used to kick their arses many years ago and everyone is reasonably good
Warbie said:
No no no - what we need is Return to Castle Wolfenstein 2 using the quake 4 engine :)

I personally think quake4 engine for RTCW2 will be horrible, plus its being released for xbox so they'll probably do a really ***** job on converting it over to PC and will put shame to the great game rtcw.

I love SOF and SOFII. How great would it be to see SOFIII running the Doom3/Q4 engine. Or even the FEAR engine?
We need games with that detailed level of violence in again!!!
Well im a SOF 2 Vet. Played SOF2 since 2002, demo days also, top game. I still play it now and then today. The multiplayer was always its strong point, the maps, guns, hit boxes, mods, servers all top stuff.

I think I know why they won't make SOF 3. Call it a theory if you like. I think they won't make SOF 3 due to the fact that so many people just downloaded SOF 2, you could use the same cd-key etc nothing to it. I bought my copy along with SOF 1, came in a double pack.
Macabre said:
No actually I don't think you did.

You did, well for SOFII 1.03 you do with punkbuster. A Keygen key will not work at all.

The reason SOFII won't be made is because what other engine can they get their hands on to code it with? Quake3 engine has pretty much reached its limit looks and functionality wise.
Um without wanting to wee on anyones parade, surely to make a SOF game you'd need some pretty impressive damage modelling and hitboxes etc that aren't a part of quake 4?
mekerel, that is true. I still have the original v1 sof2 though. My favorite map is mp_kam 2 and its rarely played on GOLD hence the reason I would just play MP V1.

DailyGeek said:
Um without wanting to wee on anyones parade, surely to make a SOF game you'd need some pretty impressive damage modelling and hitboxes etc that aren't a part of quake 4?

True, SOF2's hit boxes and gameplay interface was very impressive, your bullet hit your target even if they were jumping all over the place. The engine was amazing as well. But yeah you are right. On BF2 the hitboxes aren't that great, so when you get someone bunny hoping etc you can shoot them but it doesn't really register, macro users are very hard to hit with a bullet. Sof2 had a top hit box and bullet registration design.

But yeah its finding the company with the dedication. As long as EA don't make it lol. EA make good games yeah but if you ask me they don't put any dedication into it.

ID software and Raven for example put dedication into their product, they are not all about money money money. ID Software's last patch for Quake 4 contained like 12 new maps, a new game mode, a new weapon and more fixes. Even if you don't like Quake 4, You need to admit that is dedication.
I used to be a V1 player before Gold, I was in a CTF clan called Cavallo. We were one of the top 3 clans. Then I went gold. Was crap at first as everyone there is so much more skilled.

Got better though and had a good few clans but they always died to fast.
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