Surely completing and passing a course is good for something even if it just gives you an advantage on paper over other candidates?
I'm absolutely sure I could have done all my jobs straight out of sixth form. Probably out of school if I was mature enough.
University was fun, it was good socially. But for work. Nope. Not worth it at all.
A few degrees are essential, important and worth while. Most are not. I'm convinced of that!
Depends, if its something like "gender studdies" that's going straight in the shredder lol
Yep, like degrees in medicine if you want to be a doctor.
One of those BS degrees to get bums on seats and throw you into more unnecessary debt.
Yes. Medicine, chemical engineering, law etc. But I'd say probably 80 percent are a waste.
Loads of wasted time, loads of wasted money.