Question about CCTV at work

Wow, your boss sounds terrible!
We had a boss (non owner,large company)who got us all together and told us to stop going to get a drink outside of break because we would end up talking going to and from the coffee machine...

However his best mate worked there and he would spend a good 30 mins every morning chatting to him over a cuppa during working time.

Told him what's good for us is good for him and his best mate....few days later I was laid off (agency)
Best thing he ever did for me haha.
We don't have security, only my boss have access to this cameras (I hope), and if we are having conversation in the office he will whatsapp telling us to stop.

I did and he said it's facing the window for security reason it need to be there, when I mentioned it can record voice he just again mentioned you signed handbook and agreed to this. I have no problem with CCTV but when it's done by specialist not by him, I have no idea where and if its stored and who has access to it and when.

If that's the case then I'd drop it and just take my breaks elsewhere. Otherwise like others have suggested look for alternative employment.

It's best not to keep rattling the cage. A line has been drawn and looks like it's set in stone as you have already asked for alternative placement.
Wow, your boss sounds terrible!
Naa he is brilliant, he paid contractor over 70k (and still paying) to fix small size business website, this freelancer is on hour rate and whenever boss ask him to do something the replay is the same, it will take weeks to do. I'm not an expert but building website from scratch cost far less.
Sound is a step too far, how are you supposed to **** the boss off if he's always listening in :p

There was a story the other day about Amazon selling its AI tech that can be retro fitted to standard CCTV and potentially sold as a way for employers to monitor staff. Stuff like that is just creepy and shows the employer has no trust in their employees, plus if you work somewhere where you know you aren't trusted then you don't tend to do the company any favours.
While it does sound a little ott and 1984, surely the people most likely to complain are those that aren't doing work...

If it's for security then fine, but nobody would go to the lengths of spending all day (or a good portion of it) watching/listening to cctv just to catch out a couple employees having a 5min chat here and there - presumably he thinks/believes there's some massive p-taking (or worse) in work? And thus I'm back to my 1st comment - those doing honest work shouldn't have anything to worry about, and the only people likely to complain are those taking the p.

No, I wouldn't like my employer doing this, and it might make me want to look for a different job, but if the employer explained they had a belief (or even evidence) of employees say doing something illegal/drugs? on site, then I would probably support them (for the process of the investigation).

At the end of the day, don't most company's IT policies usually allow some kind of email/web monitoring already, so how's this much different?
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