Question about race's

Despite obvious physical differences, the human race has very little genetic diversity. Individual variation is greater than racial variation. By that I mean it's perfectly common for say a white man and a black man to be genetically closer to each other, than two white men.
I'm Indian

Once my racist white mate (serious) told me that after a few generations of my kids my brown family would turn white due to climate conditions. i' lol'd
iamdjdz said:
Tower of Babel - somewhere in the Bible, God did it because He was angry.

Tower of Babel was just languages. God split people up by language.

The closest to what you're claiming is Cain's descendants who some people claim became "blacks", but that's a very tenuous claim.
iamdjdz said:
Tower of Babel - somewhere in the Bible, God did it because He was angry.

No he didnt :p

He just gave everyone building it different languages so they couldnt understand each other so they couldnt build it.

It didnt change the colour or race of people.

The reason people are different colours is because of natural selection and people get separated from breading with others from other areas and there genes just have the stronger gene in them which makes them a certain colour.

Accents are due to mixing with different languages and what class your family and descendants has grown up in over the years
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