Question for people without a belly

Well I’m a bit of a skinny bugger and no, it’s not any harder to breathe when tying my shoe laces.

But BrenOS is right as different people inflate their lungs to different levels with varying effects on their diaphragms.
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Malenko said:
Now that HAS to be a bonus.

I've tried using my girlfriends cleavage as a convenient pint holder.... Swiftly resulting in a meaty slap t'chops :o

Good thing you didn’t use a bud-Ice straight out of the freezer….I don’t recommend it personally.
Davey_Pitch said:
What do sit-ups have to do with losing weight around the belly?

Nada as I understand it, cardio is all that would help but potentially if anything you may increase your belly by doing sit-ups because the muscles if previously unworked may grow albeit you are unlikely to notice much difference.

goldilocks said:
not even doing uttanasana

Sorry I'm unfamiliar with this term, is it yoga or something?

And in response to the original question no I don't get out of breath tying my shoelaces, I'd be a little worried if I did however.
semi-pro waster said:
Nada as I understand it, cardio is all that would help but potentially if anything you may increase your belly by doing sit-ups because the muscles if previously unworked may grow albeit you are unlikely to notice much difference.

Correct. You'd be working the muscles and increasing their strength, but until the fat is stripped away via cardio work you won't ever see the result of the sit-ups. It's impossible to spot reduce fat without surgery.
Davey_Pitch said:
Correct. You'd be working the muscles and increasing their strength, but until the fat is stripped away via cardio work you won't ever see the result of the sit-ups. It's impossible to spot reduce fat without surgery.

Although they aren't useless. It's still a form of exercise afterall, a start for a lot of people atleast.
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