Question For The STALKER Hardcore

13 Oct 2006
Morning all.

I have a bunch of STALKER questions, and am looking for a decent forum. I've done a Google search, and while it comes up with a few, I'm not sure which is the 'best'.

Which ones do you hardcore STALKER guys use?

I cant offer any help, i have been unable to find a site i consider a good or definative site for stalker. ( Not that i have looked very hard)

If you post questions here im sure people will try and anserw them.
Smurfy said:
If you post questions here im sure people will try and anserw them.

I know this, (over 500 posts I should hope so!), I just found it funny.

Anyho, I agree with you, I couldn't find anything I would call decent... which was kinda why I asked the question.

The search continues.
Kamakazie! said:
There is a fan site called Oblivion-lost. Not sure if it has forums but if it does then they should be pretty good.

Yeah... I've just found that one. Looks to be the best forum out there so far.

I love the game, but am kinda rubbish at it... might get some of my noob questions answered!!!!
why not just ask in this thread. basically guns suck to start with, you will expend ammo like crazy and you won't understand why you die so easily and can't hit anything. 3 hours into the game(more if you really actually do suck) you'll get new suits, new guns and everything will be what would be a normal level of difficulty, you won't die as easily and your guns might hit things more than 2 metres away.

another 3 hours into the game you should have a great suit and artifacts that make you almost invincible, guns that can hit something at 100 metres with little effort. its kinda backwards, most games get harder, this doesn't, most guns get harder to aim due to increased power and more recoil, this game is the opposite. oh well :(
drunkenmaster said:
why not just ask in this thread.

Ok, here we go. The storage boxes dotted everywhere, can I leave collected stuff in them, or do they get robbed by other STALKER's/Bandits?

Is it vital that I speak to the mole, as he always seems to get killed?

I take it early on that artifacts are rubbish, as I only seem to finds ones that do a bloody good job od poisioning me... is that a fair assumption?

I'm about to get the documents from the lab, after do this will the other area, where the bar is, open? I can't seem to get to the bar before the mission.

regards to those who can offer some noobie help.
Can't really help you, im not as far as you in the game, but I would like to ask... what res do you run the game on? And what does it run like?

I have a similar spec to you (X2 4400+ | 2GB Ram | 7800GTX OC) but I have a 24" monitor and its native res is 1920x1200 and its not very good at that res... I have to bump it down? Curious to know your setup?
keogh, dynamic lighting (full), grass shadows, lighting distance seem to be the things that give biggest hits to performance so knock them down first. textures and shadows i would assume you'd be fine with max quality, viewing distance probo the next thing.

errm, bar opens after you get doc's, i forget which guy the mole is, don't think he was majorly important. artifacts in general at first are useless, theres a couple you can get fairly early on that give 600% health. those ones are called "soul" and i think i got all 4 that i have in garage and one to the east of it. the bleeding ones are also utterly broken, for instance the ones that are like -20 radiation writen in green will get rid of radiation poisoning, they also have +100% bleeding in red, thats supposed to increase the rate you bleed and lose health but they are broken in decrease time it takes to stop bleeding. lol, conversely the ones with green -XXX% bleeding actually hurt you when they are supposed to help ;)

so far i've left some stuff around, i generally have only done it in area's where stalkers i'm friendly with stay in the area. i dunno if you leave them elsewhere bandits might nick the stuff, but i highly doubt it.
The bar doesnt open untill you help the guys guarding the door, this will happen eventually.

The mole is important but you can get info from him dead or alive, alive is better to avoid failed missions, but in the grand scheme not all that important.

Artifacts all have positives and negatives. green should help red hurts, altough as pointed out above bleeding ones dont conform, which is a big i assume.

You can negate the negative effects of artifacts with armour/suits and other artifacts. Early artifacts are actually amond the best iv found. Meat Chunks are about the best i have found, although a lot more have specific values.
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