Question: Is there a correlation between how you like your tea and how you like your eggs? Reply wit

Assuming you're purely talking about how we like our fried eggs (because I love poached, boiled, hardboiled and scrambled as well):

Hot drink: strong coffee
Fried egg: runny yolk, white not snotty at all
Tea: Very strong (as strong as 1 or if required 2 teabags can get it) milk and 2 sugars

Eggs: Scrambled with no white showing, my favourite is 2 whole eggs and 1 extra yolk.

Yes im weird
Tea: Depends entirely on the tea, always properly brewed (preferably loose leaf) with either semi-skimmed milk or lemon. Never with sugar.

Eggs: Just set white with a runny yolk. If scrambled then a soft scramble.
TEA: Leave the bag (Yorkshire Tea) in the length of time it takes to fry the bacon ( > 5mins; V.strong), dash o'milk + 1 sugar.

Egg: Poached
Tea - gag - too much tannin for me :(
Eggs - soft boiled with soldiers, hard boiled with salt and pepper, egg mayonnaise in a sanger, fried (runny yolk), poached (runny yolk), scrambled, fried egg sanger (runny yolk), omelette, eggy bread.....I think you get the picture :)
Tea: strong with milk and sugar please

Eggs: fried with crispy bottom and runny yolk, fried and flipped 'over easy', if we're going to use Yankee doodle terms, soft boiled, poached, I'm not that fussy :p
Tea: Strong well brewed 1 sugar tiny drop of milk.

Egg: poached! Its the only way!! (Not really I like them all ways but poached is the best).
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