Question on The Trusty Gatso Camera

27 Dec 2004
hi could do with this quick question answering (well reasurance really)

ive just been driving along a stretch of dual carrageway with a camera on the opposite side of the road.

it flashed as i was going past, there were no lines on my side of the road so im a little confused as to why it flashed (was a touch over the speed limit)

dodgy diagram to illustrate as im not the best when it comes to describing situations..

depends what type of camera it was

if its this

its a Gatso and can only shoot you from behind


if its one of these, a forward facing one. it's probably got you

Gatsos are not allowed to flash you from the front, only from the rear, if you see a gatso flashing out of the blue its probably the flash discharging i think? anyway russ9898 as you were on the other side of the road then you are safe mate.

the other camera shown above is a Truvelo, its forward facing and uses an invisible IR flash so you cant see it being flashed.
They sometimes go off if you go towards them a bit too quick. The radar can't tell if you're going towards it or away from it. You won't get a letter in the post. I often set one off on a road near my house - have done for the past 5 years.
lmfy2k said:
the other camera shown above is a Truvelo, its forward facing and uses an invisible IR flash so you cant see it being flashed.

that part i didnt know

leicestershire dont have em so never seen one of em :)
lol ive read the speed camera article before...wanted reasurance

it was defoa gatso...had the lines on the other side of the dual carrageway but not mine. also camera was 4 lanes away from me

just confuzled how it can go off lol

so does the radar react differently at night than in the day? sure ive gone past the camera before and it not flash

cheers for the reasurance :)
It just happens, don't think it has anything to do with night or day, though every time I've had it happen to me it has indeed been nighttime but no NIP in the post, thankfuly. I think you have to be going pretty damn quick to set them off in the opposite direction though.
I have set off 3 GATSO's in an oncoming car, even if you have lines on the road, you cannot get done. It simply isn't accurate enough.

From behind is the only way, err take that how you like. ;)
Funnily enough i did exaclty the same thing today. Driven past the same speed camera 100 times before over the speed limit and i've never set it off before. No idea why it went off this time. :confused: May have to have a go and try to set it off again. :p
im gona have a go at setting the camera off again....if it means the goverments piggy blank fires out a few blank photos im all for it :-D
lmfy2k said:
the other camera shown above is a Truvelo, its forward facing and uses an invisible IR flash so you cant see it being flashed.
i must be very special and have IR eyesight then as when i got caught by one in dunstable coming back to oxford from luton airport it flashed like i was a celebrity confronted by the media after his wife had be knocking the neighbour off.
MrLOL said:
depends what type of camera it was

if its this

its a Gatso and can only shoot you from behind

so why do they have lines on both sides of roads?
i thought that they could be positioned to take either left or right side of road, but not both, is this wrong? is there definate proof that they cant do you from the front?

as to them flashing you in the face what about when they are doing an offending car going away from it and at that same time a driver on other side of road is going towards the camera it will still flash will it not?
ive set loads of them off driving towards them with the camera on the other side of the road. its quite fun with my mum in the car, she goes a bit mad.
cyclopopcicle said:
so why do they have lines on both sides of roads?

Purely to slow down the traffic on both sides.

They are gits with them trevelo (sp) cameras, they put the lines after the unit so you slow down for them, people are unaware they have probably already been caught.
cyclopopcicle said:
so why do they have lines on both sides of roads?
i thought that they could be positioned to take either left or right side of road, but not both, is this wrong? is there definate proof that they cant do you from the front?

So they can still catch you if you overtake or go on the other side of the road going away from the gatso.
Just for reference, Gatso's can get an accurate reading front on, they're just not licenced by the home office for head on prosecutions. If the HO ever approved em, then you'd be getting a letter ;)
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