Question regarding fibre optics.

Robert said:
Yes. This is the point - but it's still confusing. When connected with the 1km cable, it was just louder - full stop. When connected via the 1m, it was noisey (interferance sound) and lower volume.

Hmm - the singal is only analogue at the start and end, weird. This shows why 35 people have complained about this lecturer.

Why is that weird, you have converted the signal to digital and then reversed the process that the other end, the link in the middle is all dealt with by digital. Pretend that its an MP3, it was analogue when played, you convert it to digital to store it then convert it back to listen to it :)

The cables where all the same - he just said they were fibre optic - end of.

Wasn't meaning that, meant to include that somewhere about the lecturer :p. I've done a page so far of 5 - should get another 1-2 then I need to put this stuff in their somewhere, but the guy just wasn't clear. His english wasn't too good - maybe it was lost in translation somewhere :p.
Then it's all a big load of bull and I think you've been an incredibly oversimplified version which doesn't make any sense. Perhaps you should email the lecturer or ask a different lecturer that will definately know what he's talking about.
Robert said:
The cables where all the same - he just said they were fibre optic - end of.

Robert, either you aren't explaining this the way he ment it or hes explained it VERY badly mate. I am particularly concerned about the whole turning the volume up thing, if he putting this into a amp at the other end which he must be doing to drive the speakers then turning the amp up WILL make the sound louder - independant of the signal being passed through the fibre.

Please mate. Basically what we were told I've blurted on here. The the guy WASN'T a lecturer - the lec who had us walked out after he took a register. I can't get hold of the guy as he doesn't have a set time to be IN and he wouldn't give us his OWN e-mail (his uni one expired). It's hardly surprising that this stuff is wrong as this guy didn't even know wireless networks existed :/

My hotmail addy is under my avatar.
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