Question what if time does not exist?

Depends on how you define "clock". There probably were other shadow-based devices with markings before a sundial. It's unlikely that a sundial was invented completely out of the blue. People would have observed far earlier that the shadow cast by an object varied over the day, even if was only to a degree such as "it's a good idea to start making or returning to a night shelter when the shadow from that tree reaches that rock". far back do gravity-based time-measuring devices go? They're essentially what we'd call a timer nowadays. Is that a clock? They're often called clocks and they're not essentially different in principle to the later devices definitely called clocks that required regular winding-up.

Measurements of time arguably started with seasonal observations of the sun moon and stars and Stonehenge is alligned with the midsummer sunrise (or more likely midwinter) as are chambered tombs such as Newgrange, the ancient egyptians knew the annual flood of the nile was due when the constellation of Orion rose above the horizon. The egyptians also had the first known clocks which were water clocks, dripping out of vessel at a known rate rather like sand in an hourglass

"Clock" possibly derives from french "cloche" i.e. bell, as thats what the first mechanical clocks were they didn't have a face or a dial they simply rung out the hours in bell chimes
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Time does not exist except from the observer experience.

Some rocks on earth have known millions and more years in time.

Most of us will be lucky to see 70 years.

Yet time has been a constant almost like light for billions of years before we emerged out the dinosaur soup.

Time is a part of our lives and nature.

But also why I have never worn a watch and I find it amusing to see people wearing a watch. Time on your wrist. It is just bizarre to me.

You read this your time is already over. Just like mine. We are just queued up to get there.
If you wear a watch .... Check it now...

How much have you left? Time? I guarantee it is running out and you are here on a forum wasting some of it.

And for you young pups in your 20s or even teens - click your fingers - you are gonna be 50 that fast - time does not wait
Time obviously exists as our human construct - the measurement of the interval between events based in our ascribed units - but whether time is a fundamental property of the universe or just an emergent property of deeper processes is something we haven't worked out yet.
We humans invented time. Other intelligent beings out there may not even conceptualise time like we do. And besides, time is flowing differently depending on where you are in the universe. That scene in Interstellar where every hour spent on that planet is the equivalent of 50 years or so back on Earth? That's actual cosmic science at work. Time dilation is fascinating stuff and on a much smaller scale, ISS astronauts experience it too for long stays on the space station.

A cool thing to think about, if you travelled at near the speed of light to Alpha Centauri (our nearest star), then flew back at the same speed to Earth 4.25 light years away, then everyone you saw back on Earth would be 4.25 years older and you would only have aged a few days physically and mentally.

That's our closest neighbour.... Imagine the effects of time dilation travelling to somewhere that is hundreds of light years away and beyond... Which is basically the vast majority of everything else we can see. Space is massive.

All this highlights is that a new concept needs to be invented by the time we are at a level where we can travel between solar systems around the galaxy.

Also yo momma's massive.
A cool thing to think about, if you travelled at near the speed of light to Alpha Centauri (our nearest star), then flew back at the same speed to Earth 4.25 light years away, then everyone you saw back on Earth would be 4.25 years older and you would only have aged a few days physically and mentally

Surely everyone on earth would be 8.5 years older?
I said this 30 years ago and it was not taken well because of failure to justify the statement. Maybe someone good at physics can do better but I doubt we can make anything useful of recognizing time is a human construct. All we can say is human perception varied over time by the means of measurement, in future we could alter again our ideas on time at least slightly and achieve some better understanding
Ive had a similar thread and i often ponder these things ,usually by looking up various theorys ,then thinking over them during boring work moments ,I dont like to think block universe theory can be true or our deaths are already out there as is every other moment past and future simultaneously (just as i am here yet new york exists so does every moment of time)
if we go down the presentism route ,the past dosnt exist or the future so in that case because of the biological time delays we see a world that dosnt exist ,how long is now ??
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