Questions about :)

8 Oct 2005
Midlands, UK

Could anyone (or robm himself) tell me how to display that nicely formatted downloads thingy that displays the download and number of downloads with a nice folder icon.

I wrote a WordPress plugin to do it, but it's rather hackish :o

Basically, the syntax is thus:

Display latest version of project "foo":
<!--download name="foo"-->

Display version 1.0 of project "foo":
<!--download name="foo" version="1.0"-->

I'll post the code but I've been meaning to tidy it up for a while so I'll do that first :)
Sorry im half asleep here. I have activated the plugin etc but the post will display the code i typed

<--download name="blahblah"--> instead of the required display

I'm missing something obvious here.....
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The default Wordpress post thingymabob will put it as pure text. There's a button somewhere to add plain ol' HTML code. It's there somewhere, I know it.

Looks like you're missing an exclamation mark out... from the earlier example I would expect the syntax to be:

<!--download name="truelite"-->
Since this topic is titled "questions" and there's only one question so far, then that allows me one :p
I've seen a couple of sites implement the sidebar that you also have, rob. Clicking a link doesn't seem to reload the whole page, only part of it. Is that right or is it just me? It's just like frames except not evil :) Is this hard to do?
Bleh :p Oh well, the site still looks the part if that means anything to you :)
Is there actually a way to do what I describe then? Kinda like a <div src="...htm"> except that doesn't exist obviously. That's one thing that's handy about frames & iframes but I would like to do it with div's.
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