
13 May 2009
what is the best Z68 motherboard ?

and is two 560 1gb / 2gb with a 260 for physx a good set up ? i will be getting i7 2600k/2700k
The absolute best would be the Gigabyte sniper2

It has the best overclocking features and ability, has a Creative X-fi sound chip, Killer nic and is Gen3.

A more modestly priced board that does 95% of the above board is,

and is two 560 1gb / 2gb with a 260 for physx a good set up ?

The issue there is getting a motherboard below £179.99 that has three 16X length PCI-E slots, sell the GTX260 and assign Physx in the driver to the GTX560's.
Money is no issue for the update so the board can go up to £300+, so would an evga board be any good ?

i don't have a 260 yet, so would that be too much over kill for a physx card ?

i basically need to know the bets motherboard and the best cpu then i am looking to spend £380 on gfx, and then upto £100 on a physx card if that is needed
Just wait two weeks for X79 if you have big money to spend.

Then you will have a choice of motherboards that do have lots of 16X PCI-E slots for a SLI+PhysX setup.

The Sandybridge_E chips are either 4/6 cores with hyperthreading and you also have quad channel RAM support.
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