Quick Coupe, approx 220-250bhp 5k

16 Mar 2005
What am I looking at here?

I have only just started looking, but I like the old school MR2 Turbo's, which can be picked up for much under this budget, and Celica GT-Four which would be just about the budget I think.

Anything else you can recommend I look at?
M3 is a nice idea, although I'd surely expect to pay more along the lines of 6-7k for something decent? I don't like the look of the 200sx, and I currently have a Vectra and I want to steer away from Vauxhall. Keep the suggestions coming!
Some good suggestions here :) I like the idea of the M3, but I would be willing to stretch upwards to around 7kish to get a decent model but I don't really want to be spending more than 5 if i can help it.

It's going to be a hard choice, but I've got a while to think about it so i'm glad I'm getting ideas.

I like the ideas of the MR2, Celica, M3 the most so far, I don't like the exterior of the Fiat and not sure about Skyline etc, surely a decent one couldn't be picked up for that cash?
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