Quick eBay search question

7 Jul 2003
West Country, England
(Sorry mods if this is in the wrong forum, if so please move/delete it :) )

Got a weird problem on eBay, which I've never seen before. I'm looking at some items from a particular seller, and when I click on "View sellers other items" it brings up a list of 10 items. Fair enough. Yet when I view one of the displayed auctions, in the windowed bit above the auction where it says "See More Great Items from this seller" it shows 4 auctions the seller has running that don't appear in his "items for sale" list. I have bought from this particular seller before so I'm pretty sure he'll have more than just the displayed auctions running anyway.
I've tried refreshing the page but can't work out what's going on. Has anyone else had this problem?
Cheers :)
OoOverclockaoO said:
Does he have an eBay shop?
Doesn't look like it. It's strange, but it's as though he listed these items a few days ago and they still haven't shown up on the search.
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