Quick Far Cry Question

23 Feb 2006
Hi guys i played far cry briefy round a friends ages ago and i wasnt that impressed with it.

anyway i got it free with my graphics card so i thought i would give it another chance and it seems that theres no way to save it??!!?!?!?!

is there a save key???????

or will it only save by the stupid check points because that would be annoying having to get to the next point before you can exit
pretty certain its checkpoint only, although i think there is a console command to save but you need to enable cheats.

Is your version English??

I got it with my 7800GTX from OCUK and the copy i had was german!
Stick with the checkpoints! Its replaying the same bits with different tactics until you break the oncoming swathes that makes this game great...that said, on the daft difficulties the end of the game is frustrating.
Agreed, otherwise the game will be like this:

Kill someone
walk a bit further
kill someone
go through door
complete level

Sounds fun doesnt it
PinkFloyd said:
Agreed, otherwise the game will be like this:

Kill someone
walk a bit further
kill someone
go through door
complete level

Sounds fun doesnt it
Half-Life seems to have done rather well for itself, considering it has quicksave. :p
basmic said:
Half-Life seems to have done rather well for itself, considering it has quicksave. :p
Dont mention that game around me, i've just started playing it again and im up to Ravenholm. *gets a nervous twitch*

Oh, and thank god for quicksave.
Insanity said:
Dont mention that game around me, i've just started playing it again and im up to Ravenholm. *gets a nervous twitch*

Oh, and thank god for quicksave.
Raveholm is the worst part of Half-Life 2. It's the one level that discourages me from playing the game. :mad:

If you've never played Half-Life 1 (the original), then I'll give you a pack of cookies if you complete in a week. ;)
basmic said:
Raveholm is the worst part of Half-Life 2. It's the one level that discourages me from playing the game. :mad:

Same here, the worse level ive ever played, i had to replay the game as my bro-in-law deleted them and it took me ages to really bother playing it when i got to ravenholm!
i love the Ravenholm level! I think its one of the best bits of the game.

HL1 ahhh gonna have to play that again! Just don't like playing the start of that through again really... just having the crowbar.. and all those headcrabs and zombies!!
Kamakazie! said:
i love the Ravenholm level! I think its one of the best bits of the game.

yup. mucho fun to be had. i can't see why anyone would stop playing at this point? hardly scary is it.... :p
HL2 didn't hook me anywhere near as much as Farcry did.
theres not a single thing that HL2 did better than Farcry imo
PinkFloyd said:
HL2 didn't hook me anywhere near as much as Farcry did.
theres not a single thing that HL2 did better than Farcry imo
I feel the key to Half-Life is mystery - something which HL1 and 2 have continued to hold.
basmic said:
I feel the key to Half-Life is mystery - something which HL1 and 2 have continued to hold.
Didn't have much of a mystery around it for me.....
Or is this something that only appears If you have played the first game all the way through.

*must by HL1 at some point*
MNuTz said:
pretty certain its checkpoint only, although i think there is a console command to save but you need to enable cheats.

Is your version English??

I got it with my 7800GTX from OCUK and the copy i had was german!
LOL, that would suck, never happend to me.. ive always gotten english stuff.
FarCry is a great blast, fun and very nice to look at - but it's not in the same league as HL2 for me. FarCry = very good game. HL2 = Masterpiece.

I do love the save points in FC tho I must admit - I wish more games did that.
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