Quick form question...

18 Nov 2003
Afternoon. :)

A girl who used to go to the same school as i work at gave me a Student Finance form to fill in for her. The part I'm asked to sign states that i need to have 'good standing'.

They give a couple of examples such as civil servant, teacher, accountant and engineer. I am however not any of the above, im an ICT Technician. Do you think it would still be fine for me to sign the form? I do actually work for the county council so would that be ok?

Cheers. :)
Helium_Junkie said:
I doubt being an ICT Tech qualifies. Being a councillor might, but just working in the building probably wouldnt.

So you're saying not to sign it then?

I assume it would just be returned if it wasn't good enough then?
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