Quick help for this slow cooked beef stew


The slow cooker is only a 3.5litre which has a maximum capacity of 2.5 litres according to the manual. ****! That's not big enough for 8 people right? (1 of them is 10yrs old but even so!).

Any other recommendations?
Okay more help needed!

Could I quickly cook two batches and then reheat one?

How do I make dumplings? Is one dumping enough per person? How long are they cooked for?
Not got a casserole dish and an oven?

Yeah you could cook it in batches and transfer to a saucepan but if you need to cook it for 3-4 hours that is cutting it fine for 8pm.

Dumplings depend on the size but I'd say two per person. Suet and flour is the normal way I think.
Spotted this yoke.


I think you either need to go shopping and buy a decent sized pot with a lit to do this in the oven or on the hob, failing that cook something else that you have the capacity for.
It's really hard to say whether or not that dish will work - any idea the capacity? Or you could cook half the recipe in the dish and half in the slow cooker (so 1 x the full normal recipe in each). You should probably cover the dish with tin foil.
For the record I made this a few weeks back. It's amazing (Double quantity using 1 litre of Guiness), think I had it cooking for 3 - 4 hours

- GP
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