quick question IDE v SATA

23 Oct 2004
South, England
So I've ordered the Asus M2N-SLI and the AMD X2 4200.
The mobo has 1 IDE slot and 8 SATA slots.
My current version of XP is on an IDE as is all my data on a second IDE.
If I stick to the IDE's (both drives on the same single) will I be majorly bottlenecking the board/ cpu's performance?
Shold I upgrade staright to SATA?
(quite skint at present)
I think you may have to ditch one of the drives, if you only have one IDE connector then you can only have 2 IDE devices AFAIK, seeing as a cd/dvd is one of them then you only have one left. The other choice is to get a IDE to SATA converters.
OMG of course. I'd forgotten about the DVD R.
Well, there's no choice then is ther.
What would you do?
OS on 1 SATA
I'm really not up on this RAID stuff.
Any opinions for best config greatly appreciated.
Can you afford a new sata drive? If so I would put the OS on it and use the largest IDE drive for data. If you cant really afford a new drive buy a abit serillel converter so that you can put one of you drives (the OS drive) on the sata controller.
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