Quick question

11 Aug 2012
S.E Wales
Hey, one of my online "friends" has asked me to spec up a pre built PC for gaming for around £800, i'm looking at the Titan Bayonet system, with a 4670k and a 280, all that for around £800, great. - http://www.overclockers.co.uk/showproduct.php?prodid=FS-004-OG&groupid=43&catid=2475&subcat=2602

I read further down it comes with a 450w psu, will that be enough to drive 4670k and a 280?

My friend also know's nothing about building computers and lives miles away from me so I won't be building one for him either.
Sorry for the late response, I went straight to work after i posted this,

That's good, I did mention to him to call up just to make sure its alright, Also he wants to get the PC as soon as, so I just spec'd him that and sent him on his way, seemed happy enough with it.
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