Quick raid question re programs

6 Jan 2006
Newcastle upon Tyne
Just got a new mobo which has s-ata raid 0 and 1 supported.

What I want to do is set 2 x sata drives with raid 1 to effectively backup up everything on my computer.

My question is, will all my programs be backed up as well as all the data?

Basically I want to be able to switch to the other drive as it was the original drive if something went wrong.

Thanks for any help, Mark
Everything on the SATA drive being backup will be present on the mirror. Exactly the same. One drive fails, you are usually notified and can continue using the other one as normal.
Remember RAID1 is NOT a backup because anything done to one HDU happens to the other. i.e. bad RAM corrupts your windows = same thing happens to the other drive. Virus kills windows, same on mirror.
Oh, I didnt realise that.

I backup all my files onto an external HDD and also a DVD where applicable.

I have had 2 fairly recent HDD failures and it was a right headache re-installing all the program files.

Can you think of a better way or does this seem like my best option?

Thanks, Mark
Raid is a good option but dotn stop backin up also

What quite a few do is have raid setup in case of hard ware failure but also do backup as soon as winodws is installed onto DVD, and possibly again when all apps are installed ( as these may change over time , but windows basics wont) and then do daily / weekly backups of vital little docs to usb key or to your ext hdd
Excuse my ignorance but what do you mean do a backup when windows is installed and when all apps are installed?
Mark M said:
Excuse my ignorance but what do you mean do a backup when windows is installed and when all apps are installed?
Well they take an image of the brand new windows installation using something like Norton Ghost etc. Then , if they need to reinstall windows, they just bung the DVD in and after about 10 minutes of copying, Windows is back up and running without having to fully reinstall it. The same applies after installing all programs, whereby they don't have to reinstall programs as a working image can be cloned back from the backup disc.
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