Quick Superman IV question

12 Nov 2004
This is random... Been watching Superman Returns and i was wondering if superman and lois got 'together' in superman 4? Is the child really supermans?

Sorry for such a terrible and strange topic :o :p
I heard that superman returns is actually supposed to be a sequel to Superman II and skipped III and IV because they were so poo. I've never actually seen them but I hear they are quite bad.
Mr.Orb said:
haha, it was a bad movie. But this is bugging me so I want to find out.

I don't know but judging by the fact that the kid is affected by kryptonite suggests so :p

also he has high strength, when was the last time a kid could move a piano? ;)
WB being money grabbing barstewards. They should have waited for the Smallville series to reach its conclusion then had a feature film based off this Superman timeline.
Superman Returns was pretty good. Better than the latest Spider-man crap anyway as well as the original three Superman movies.

There was never any sex shown in 1-3 or any really implied iirc. If you take the comic books into account (4 seemed like it was taken from them to me) it's pretty much a given that they got "together".
Noxis said:
WB being money grabbing barstewards. They should have waited for the Smallville series to reach its conclusion then had a feature film based off this Superman timeline.

Agree 100%

Although, the rumor is that the next Supes film will be actioned packed and he actually gets to have a fight or 2 with proper Super Bad guys!

Hope its true as I am fed up with WB ruining the Superman franchise!
Phate said:
I don't know but judging by the fact that the kid is affected by kryptonite suggests so :p

also he has high strength, when was the last time a kid could move a piano? ;)

Good point. But I wasn't 100% sure if they had properly got together in any of the movies.

I have to say I prefer Smallville and Louis and Clark to the movie.
z0mbi3 said:
Superman Returns was pretty good. Better than the latest Spider-man crap anyway as well as the original three Superman movies.

Agree, I can't wait for Superman Returns to arrive on HD-DVD :D
they weren't able to have children in The New Adventures of Superman though iirc, thats what bugged me about Superman Returns, as a film though, it wasnt too bad i suppose.
tuftyfella said:
they weren't able to have children in The New Adventures of Superman though iirc, thats what bugged me about Superman Returns, as a film though, it wasnt too bad i suppose.

Superman as Superman can't have kids, but in Superman II he sacrifices this to nail Lois. Then he sees Mr President on his knees, and realises that the world needs Superman, so he becomes Superman again and Lois conveniently forgets the whole thing.
Alasdair said:
Superman as Superman can't have kids, but in Superman II he sacrifices this to nail Lois. Then he sees Mr President on his knees, and realises that the world needs Superman, so he becomes Superman again and Lois conveniently forgets the whole thing.

Why can't he have kids? to keep his identity a secret?
J.T said:
Agree 100%

Although, the rumor is that the next Supes film will be actioned packed and he actually gets to have a fight or 2 with proper Super Bad guys!

Hope its true as I am fed up with WB ruining the Superman franchise!

I really want them to turn The Death of Superman into a movie, partly cos I think they should kill off superman and cos it was such an excellent graphic novel. Peter Jackson would be excellent to direct the final battle between Sup and Doomsday!
manoz said:
Peter Jackson would be excellent to direct the final battle between Sup and Doomsday!

Only if you want it rendered as a lame middle-earth man vs a monkey.

Peter Jackson would do sod all for an epic super hero battle.

Also for anyone who knew the comic books it wouldn't actually be the death of Superman or Doomsday, would it?
z0mbi3 said:
Only if you want it rendered as a lame middle-earth man vs a monkey.

Peter Jackson would do sod all for an epic super hero battle.

Also for anyone who knew the comic books it wouldn't actually be the death of Superman or Doomsday, would it?

Well that battle between King Kong and dinosaur was pretty awesome so I think he could do a great job.(LoTR didn't even occur to me)

I know sup's never officially been killed off but like I said I want to see him killed off and those comics should be used. I guess the soon to be released animated version would have to suffice for the near future
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