Quick Superman IV question

Noxis said:
WB being money grabbing barstewards. They should have waited for the Smallville series to reach its conclusion then had a feature film based off this Superman timeline.


Smallville is terrible.
chrisd said:

Smallville is terrible.

Agree, if we're talking about a superman show that destroys the timeline of the comics then smallville is in a class of its own.

First couple of series were ok but its just got old now, making a movie would just be like a feature length tv show, much better to make it proper superman.

I liked Superman Returns, i'm not sure if they could do a Doomsday fight and make it look good but i'd be happy to see the Cyborg storyline introduced somehow.
z0mbi3 said:
Also for anyone who knew the comic books it wouldn't actually be the death of Superman or Doomsday, would it?

Youre right there. The whole series of comics was a bit of a waste really because **SPOILER** they just bring him back to life.

As for Doomsday, you kind of figured he was never really dead because DC comics had a character that they could run a story with and milk until dry.

An animated movie imaginatively called Superman Doomsday is already under production. Take a look -

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