Quiet HD's - is there any around?

13 Apr 2006
I am getting fed-up of waking up in the middle of the night with the sharp squeak of the hard drive (comp a few meters from by bed) and I really want to know, if there are any Hard drives, which have any type of "silent running" feature or something as close to silent as possible?

I would sound proof my case, but with the heat it produces I want to try and avoid that option. (not interested in sound proofed, water cooled system).

Any ideas would be most appreciated.

(Also I did a forum search and all the info I could find is about noisy HD's rather than the non-noisy ones)
Thanks everyone, your input has been greatly appreciated! Thanks!! :)

I will invest in the Samsung T-Series SpinPoint as per the suggestion. Also I will pick up a silentmaxx enclosure too.

So..my plan is to get this done by next weekend, so I will get on with purchasing those suggested parts this weekend. :D

I will keep you posted on the specific type/model etc I choose and how silent it is :)
squiffy said:
Or you could look into 2.5" hard drive, use downloading path to that. The boot drive (3.5") should switch off?

I never would have thought of using a notebook HD for this? Seems a bit too tricky for me I think.

Anyway, I am getting 2 x Samsung SpinPoint T HD501LJ 500GB SATA-II 16MB Cache - OEM - hopefully this will be quieter than my 4 HD's atm :)

As for the silentmaxx, I can't seem to find any in OcUK (unless I completely missed this) - I guess my trusty search engine will need to look for that one.
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