Quietest HD's?

13 Aug 2004
What hard drives are considered the quietest SATA drives? I've heard samsung are aswell as seagate.

[edit] I'm just going to be using this HD for windows on one partition and programs on another. The other HD I will have is this one.
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2.5", if you don't need performance (my htpc has 2.5" boot)
Samsung 3.5" have quiet seek, but vibrate quite a bit. Need to do elastic mounting

I have the 2500KS too, seek is much louder than the Samsung 500GB, but vibration is louder.
If you want almost guarnanteed then the samsung spinpoints are very very quiet - seagate drives can be fairly quiet - but never as quiet as the spinpoints and unfortunatly its a bit hit or miss is you get a quiet seagate or not... which is a bit of a shame as imo they are the most reliable drives around.
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