Quincy !!

24 Nov 2002
Abertawe, Cymru.
Am I the only person here that still loves this show?

Way before its time, CSI etc owe it all to Quincy.

Dah Dah Dah Dah Dah Dah…..

Hope they hurry out season 3 and 4 on dvd soon.
Quincy's great. I need to get the DVDs some time soon, but my student funds diagree sadly:(. The great man is my MSN avatar ATM:D. I must say it's a close one between Quincy and Magnum though.
Yup :)
Columbo is more to my taste though, I just love the casual way he leads his suspects to incriminate themselves.

Back in the days when perfect hair/teeth/body shape and age < 30 weren't so important as they seem to be now.
Quincy is on ITV 3 12:30 everyday, last week I sat through 6 dvd's of the first 2 seasons, tuned in today and they are showing them on telly so bah lol have to wait till they show some I aint seen.
Excellent show.

One thing that always puzzled me about Quimcy (as i like to call him) is how he managed to pull all those hot women in the show. He's an OAP for crying out loud. :confused:
stigggeh said:
a bit off topic,

but i still love columbo, its always on channel 5 too which is a bonus.... they dont make em like that anymore :)

"...oh, and just one more thing sir..."

Gotcha! :P
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