Starter word = just a word played to get new letters onto the board, not making use of any letters from a previous guess.
So for me, I would usually play:
These use a lot of commonly used letters and usually mean you're then in good position to start guessing at the answers.
But if my first 2 'starters' hit a lot of letters in one of the boards then I'll start guessing before playing my 3rd 'starter'.
Today my first 2 starter words meant that
bottom left was confirmed as S?ARE. So could have been SNARE or SCARE. My usual 3rd 'starter' (CHUNK) uses both the N and C, so was perfect to narrow that down and also bring other letters (H, U, K) into play.
It just happened that it was then the actual answer to top right, where I had previously hit no letters from the first 2 words.
Hope that makes sense.