R6 Raven Shield

1 Sep 2003
Does anyone still play this online?

This is the only FPS i've played online for any length of time.

The expansion packs Athena Sword and Iron Wrath add some good levels into the mix although there unfortunatly not as popular online as the original maps which I know like the back of my hand.

I only hope R6: Lockdown is going to be as good despite the radical changes. There demo is rumoured to be out in a week or so!
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I played for about two years then lost interest unfortunatly.

Was my first "real" online game in a sense. I spent more time playing that than any other games i have.

Were you in a clan? I was in a clan called UFO_ and ESP_ for a time (same clan but different leaders etc).
I used to play that, decent game, I loved the TMP and claymores, camping in the bedroom spawn on that mansion paradise map in the "Venilla" game. wait till you hear someone on the stairs, blow the claymore which blows the doors away and anyone outside them, then run around the corner with TMP in hand and just obliterate anyone else that might be hanging around :P

Fun times.

I am intrested in lockdown, im missing a slow paced FPS
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I was never in a clan but I use to play on the Fearless clan servers.

My user name was and still is "Hostile_17".

The maps are really great I think my favs are the Airport and Mansion maps.

I love the Subway and Siberian Base maps on the Athena as well.
I played this for about 3 years. Played it since the day of release of the demo, almost every day. Used to be pretty decent at it too until CSS made me pack it in. I really hope lockdown is the same as RVS was but with better GFX and maybe some better coding. Used to play in -X- if anyone knows of them.

I will be getting the lockdown demo, and i really hope that GSG9 guy isnt playing us, but he was told that it would be released by the community manager.
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i too dream of lockdown being the next big game in my life ... alas they do seem to have dumbed it down a lot though, dont think the single player will actually be worth playing sadly ... multiplayer might still be good though

played under the [SaDUK] tag
hehehehe most probably, its been a while though .. maybe if u had a more original name that X i might remember :) all the "cool" clan seem to try and have the shortest dullest names possible, played a lot with the FCUK boys who each had a letter of the alphabet as their name, very hard to have a conversation when u cant remember if it was n or p you were talking to :)
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