LOL their religion and their career!
Im glad the UK is at least not going too far down the CRT/woke route of the US just yet.
They’re not denying that racism exists etc.. but it “systematic racism” is quite clearly overhyped, mostly claimed via flawed arguments re: disparities between groups. Similar flawed arguments get made re: gender pay gap etc... where the difference is massively reduced once other obvious things are controlled for.
Unconscious bias training and testing is another dubious area, basically pseudoscience. In fact plenty of new (especially CRT based) diversity training doesn’t have any evidence that it actually achieves anything. In fact in plenty of cases it seems to be actively harmful and more likely to cause problems.
The grifters will be particularly annoyed at this as they want people to unquestioningly accept things like “systematic racism” as being true, a report like this means people promoting fashionable neoracism/woke ideologues will get some pushback on their dodgy claims.