Racial transitional surgery

23 Dec 2009
RG8 9
I've never really read an article with new pronouns. It was very confusing. I kept thinking, who is bunch of people your talking about.
You guys seem to think this is a new thing but literally south park did an episode about Stan's dad transitioning to become a dolphin and Kyle becoming a tall black basket ball player with old testicles for knees 15 years ago.
White British non-binary 'influencer' now identifies as Korean and is having a load of surgery so they can look more like their favourite BTS star.


What do we say GD, fair play or mental illness? Not going to look good when the surgery all starts falling apart in a few years. Shoul this type of surgery even be allowed?
Not really that different from the various idiots who do masses of plastic surgery to look like one random page 3 girl or another.

The only difference is the person they're trying to look like is from another ethnicity rather than generic blond with big jugs #3

Whatever makes them happy, it doesn't affect me.
.....said they wanted to "take the brave step" to speak out as "I'm sure there's many other young people out there that do identify as Korean or maybe as Japanese, and they don't have the strength or courage, or they don't know the words how to express this. And it's a very, very tough thing."

Im sure there are plenty of Koreans and Japanese that Identify as that nationality too....

This guy is mentally ill and its sad people entertain them.
I don't see how being "trans-racial" is any different to the argument that's made as to why biological men should be able to compete in women's sports and yet the woke slammed this guy quite badly for "cultural appropriation", if it's that easy to discredit this type of madness then can we have a "gender appropriation" that's treated with the same scorn rather than such double standards?

For the record I couldn't give a **** about what people identify as but when you have men easily able to share changing rooms/toilets/prisons with girls/women, peoples lives being ruined for accidentally "misgendering" and women being pushed out of sports it's a few steps too far for me.
Won’t this confuse the woke brigade?

On one hand they’re self identifying and being whatever they want to be, on the other hand it could be construed as cultural appropriation.
"I look Korean now" :cry: I'm not sure real Koreans are going to fall for it. Just like men aren't fooled by "trans women".

He looks like he just came out of a boxing match.

If we can now just identify as anything we like and others have to "respect it". Can I identify as a 67 year old and get my pension now?
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"And, you know, people might think, 'oh, I'm such a joke'. But you know what, guys? You don't understand. If you're trapped in the wrong body your whole life, you don't understand."

how dare it assume all those who think it’s a joke identify as guys. The offence is real. My hurt feelings are real. Won’t someone offer me comfort and support!! :cry:
A Korean family moved to our village a few months ago. Bought George Michaels old house no less and absolutely love English culture. Also installed a red phone box in their grounds (don't know if it works, still working on getting an invite round). Can't see them taking the next step though and transitioning. Might bring it up next time I see them. :cry:
They're safe, I'm pretty sure cultural appropriation will only apply when white people do it to escape their privilege and try to become oppressed.
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