Racing games: Sim and Arcade...whats the difference ?

Wow that's some hardcore stuff lol. I never knew people would be so invested to practice a whole week for one race.

In some cases much more. The world cup finals for example which i have managed to get a place two years running in the uk&ireland team think was about 12 places. Had practice sessions 4 hrs 2-3 times a week for about a month to get the setups and the team ready. And the german, finish, brasilian, and iberian teams that made the final out of 64 global regions ( i think) prob was about the same.

I Have them all asseto corsa, project cars right down to burnout al allong the spectrum, but i can only realy say out of the ones that people would regard a sim, only iracing, though not perfect is the one that you can race serious and competitively and the highest level. I just dont regard the software no where near what is possible driving consistantly bumper to bumper for long periods on any of the others. Just cant imagine bump drafting lap after lap with the accuracy at 204 mph with cars inches away all around you with someone else on the other side of the world with any of the alternatives.
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Does iracing still feel like you're driving on ice and in no way relate to how a car feels? I played it a couple of years ago and it wasn't that great.

Granted being able to get half decent races online at anytime is a huge bonus for the game.
Does iracing still feel like you're driving on ice and in no way relate to how a car feels? I played it a couple of years ago and it wasn't that great.

Granted being able to get half decent races online at anytime is a huge bonus for the game.

Guess that depends on your set up hardware and in game? if you got decent forcefeeback in wheel perhaps with engine and ABS vibration along with vibration in the pedals so you know what the car is doing, perhaps sim vibe in your seat also helps identify the feel of what the car is doing. As for in game they have improved the tire model several times since then. tyres start off cold as you know, and get better grip as they warm and the feel changes over the duration of the tires life. I know they are just starting to introduce soon track temperature along already with air temps that will make strategy a lot more complex
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