If he had at least attempted to make it looks somewhat like Osaka ( like the example i did with the hair) , i'm sure people wouldn't have seen it so unfavorably.
You're joking, right? The same people would have used a different excuse or just ignored that tiny and irrelevant aspect of the picture.
In the photo I saw of Osaka, she was wearing a cap that covered her head and had a blonde ponytail hanging out the back of it. Just as in the caricature cartoon, which is very obviously not intended to be a realistic depiction of physical appearance anyway.
As an artist ( or anyone who has a job in creating works that are published in the public sphere) it is always important to make sure you havent inadvertently drawn or written something that can be perceived in a different way to that which you intended. Which unfortunately is what i think has happened here.
Why should an artist be required to censor themself and submit to sexist and racist double standards because some racists and sexists claim to perceive their art in a different way because of local stereotypes thousands of miles from the artist a lifetime ago?