Racist! Really?

I'd say it was more insensitive and stupid than outright racist. Australia has huge issues with true racism, though.
People see racism in anything these days! World has gone barking mad!

No, they see it where it is. Those that cannot see it are conditioned to see a certain thing as acceptable or are incapable of adapting their thinking to understand why it may appear racist to others.

For example: some may thing that drawing a cartoon based on the Mummy Two Shoes from Tom and Jerry may be considered to be a racist stereotype. Others may think 'aw, it is just a cartoon from the old days, that's fine to keep on doing that today'
I'd say it was more insensitive and stupid than outright racist. Australia has huge issues with true racism, though.

Yeah Australia tends to be a bit behind when it comes to things like racism, sexism etc...

I'd assume though that the sort of dodgy cartoons you'd not want to emulate as a cartoonist were perhaps more prevalent in the US. Part of the outrage could well be simply people taking something that isn't really as sensitive an issue in one country (Australia) and then projecting their own (UK or US) cultural values onto it.

I mean as a silly example there was this KFC advert that provoked outrage among (rather stupid) Americans simply because in America they have a stereotype about African Americans and fried chicken and seemingly failed to appreciate that this doesn't necessarily apply universally to all black people in the world nor is it necessarily a stereotype in other countries:

(and just to highlight this further, the hosts of this internet TV show even refer to the black West Indies fans as "African Americans")
Seriously, it's just a caricature cartoon depiction. They take someone's features and exaggerate them. There is nothing racist or sexist here.

World = crazy
Effectively this is saying you can't caricature black people because racists caricatured black people in the past. I would like to know which of Serna Williams attributes should have been chosen to caricature her because she has big lips afro hair and is very muscular.

Also Osaka isn't white washed, she is a light tan colour compared to the clearly pink white referee, the hair being blonde and black might just be a stylistic element to give the image some depth as opposed to unrelieved black.

Talk about "privilege" wider society and the offendesphere has decided that some groups can never be satirised. Massive diva has massive tantrum and is caricatured, tough get over it if you don't want people to extract the urine don't act like a child on the World stage.
The thing is, only Williams features were exaggerated and it is pretty weird Osaka is depicted as a slight, blonde, white girl... Osaka is almost the same size as Serena and is half Haitian Half Japanese.
Serena is the one being lampooned. Caricatures exaggerate features, that's how they work for everyone. But it's becoming the case that you aren't allowed to do it for anyone who isn't white.

My favourite was the National Association of Black Journalist saying it contained sexist elements too. Seriously, can anyone shed any light on that?
Serena is the one being lampooned. Caricatures exaggerate features, that's how they work for everyone. But it's becoming the case that you aren't allowed to do it for anyone who isn't white.

My favourite was the National Association of Black Journalist saying it contained sexist elements too. Seriously, can anyone shed any light on that?

The sexist thing comes from the original rant. Basically Serena argued, as many others in the WTA, that women are penalized far harsher than men for emotional outbursts or racket throwing because when a bloke does it, he is just spirited from the match, while a woman is emotional. So the sexist part is more that the cartoon makes light of accusations of sexism within the sport.

Is it true? Well, i would certainly say that men get away with arguing back more and racket throwing but just because it tends to happen a bit more. Was this specific match a case of sexism? Nah not imo but it was pretty poor umpiring after what was two very harsh warnings during a Grand slam final and following it up with a game deduction when a player argues it is unfair umpiring. Just Carlos Ramos on one of his umpiring power trips tbh.
The sexist thing comes from the original rant. Basically Serena argued, as many others in the WTA, that women are penalized far harsher than men for emotional outbursts or racket throwing because when a bloke does it, he is just spirited from the match, while a woman is emotional. So the sexist part is more that the cartoon makes like of accusations of sexism within the sport.

Is it true? Well, i would certainly say that men get away with arguing back more and racket throwing but just because it tends to happen a bit more. Was this specific match a case of sexism? Nah not imo but it was pretty poor umpiring after what was two very harsh warnings during a Grand slam final and following it up with a game deduction when a player argues it is unfair umpiring. Just Carlos Ramos on one of his umpiring power trips tbh.
Right OK. So the cartoon itself has no sexist elements, just that some people agree with Serena's viewpoint that she was being treated unfairly due to sexism. Sexism or not, the way she behaved warrants mockery IMO.
Why are you labelling him a grade A ****? He followed the rulebook and has been backed by the ITF.

You think the game deduction like that was a good call?

It is rare to see such harsh umpiring in a minor match let alone late in a Grand Slam final. I don't think any other umpire would have given it and it isn't the first time Ramos has been called out out for power tripping. It would be fine if he has always been consistently harsh in most of his matches but certainly in the last few years he hasn't been consistent in umpiring when it has come to arguing back and racket abuse.
Tennis players should consider themselves lucky the England Rugby Union Captain got an 11 week ban for calling the referee an ****** Cheat in a match. Calling the Umpire a thief and a liar is beyond the pale for me, it might be "normal" in tennis but it shouldn't be and sets a hugely bad example.
You think the game deduction like that was a good call?

It is rare to see such harsh umpiring in a minor match let alone late in a Grand Slam final. I don't think any other umpire would have given it and it isn't the first time Ramos has been called out out for power tripping. It would be fine if he has always been consistently harsh in most of his matches but certainly in the last few years he hasn't been consistent in umpiring when it has come to arguing back and racket abuse.
Then change the rulebook. I just can't have it that the umpire is being criticised for following the rulebook. Rare or not, if he followed the letter of the law, you can't call him a ****.

Or you could easily go the other way and say fine, rulebook out the window, Serena has priors for this sort of thing (see threatening to kill a line judge over a foot fault call), so deserves to be more harshly treated because she can't keep herself in check.
And another thing, all those supporting Serena's claims and justification of sexism keep mentioning that men get away with worse. Has anyone got any good recent examples to share?
I find myself reading the news much less frequently these days because it's packed full of pathetic stuff like this. Putting perpetually offended twitter posts in your article doesn't lend it any gravitas IMO.

Sometimes I wish I could just go live in a monastery up a mountain and escape all this crap.
Then change the rulebook. I just can't have it that the umpire is being criticised for following the rulebook. Rare or not, if he followed the letter of the law, you can't call him a ****.

The rule book is not followed to the letter like that though or you wouldn't have an umpire.

Players would have tons of warnings for slow play and stuff like that. The rules are there for the good of the sport, not for the sake of following them. In this instant, the decisions did nothing for the good of the game and robbed people of a US Grandslam final. You can use the 'change the rulebook' argument if he was consistent in all his umpiring be it between men, women or even in the same match but he often isnt. I remember him giving Djokovic a Racket abuse warning this year and ignore Nishikori doing the exact same thing in the same match for example.

Also i didn't call him a ****. He does clearly enjoy his power trips though.
It would be racist if he drew a random black women using specific exaggerated features

What he actually did was draw Serena and exaggerated HER features which has ended up looking similar to the above.

He clearly wasn't being racist but expecting people in this day and age to look a little deeper before become triggered is just not going to happen.

It doesn't matter that he's exaggerated HER features. He's exaggerated her features in style which is quite rightly considered racist because of it's historical use. Being ignorant, insensitive or blase about that doesn't mean it's not racially offensive. It just means you don't consider it offensive when there are compelling reasons why it is.
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