Rackmount server cpu standards

1U is the measurment of vertical height, i think 1U is equal to 1.75 inches. Active or passive is to do with the cooling used, active uses fans while passive dosen't.
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Thanks for replies.
Justintime said:
1U is the measurment of vertical height, i think 1U is equal to 1.75 inches. Active or passive is to do with the cooling used, active uses fans while passive dosen't.
I wonder if there's any difference between active and passive models of a cpu. Presumably passive cpus are 2U to incorporate a bigger, passive heatsink. Is the cpu then built to survive higher temperatures? That would explain the cost difference I guess.
joeyjojo said:
Thanks for replies.
I wonder if there's any difference between active and passive models of a cpu. Presumably passive cpus are 2U to incorporate a bigger, passive heatsink. Is the cpu then built to survive higher temperatures? That would explain the cost difference I guess.

Probably the same cpu, just cooled differently. Have seen passive servers using a lower wattage/voltage version of the same cpu in another server actively cooled though and thus cost a bit more. I suspect the cost increase is more due to the passive setup though. BTW when i refer to cpu i'm talking about the actual microprocessor.
Most server cases are such that the CPU heatsinks will not have fans directly attached, but instead there will be some very loud, very quickly rotating fans on near the front of the case and the back of the case, drawing air through the case to cool all the components as it passes through.
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