Radio 1 Top 20 Dance Anthems

Smiley Man said:
listening to this again makes me realise that it is basically the "handbook for trance"

Sounding a bit too speeded up again though.

Can someone post the full list of 20 up? (well 19 for now).
Smiley Man said:
MY GOD DAVE SLOW IT DOWN :mad: this tune is wrecked, he's got it about 10bpm too fast
He's playing at about 141bpm I would say, doesn't make a difference to some tunes but there are some it really hurts. :(

Gouryella - 'Gouryella' (Code Blue)
Baby D - 'Let Me Be Your Fantasy’ (Production)
Southside Spinners - 'Luvstruck' (AM:PM)
Ian Van Dahl - 'Castles In The Sky' (Nu:Life)
The Source ft Candi Staton – ‘You Got The Love' (ZYX Records)
Fedde Le Grand - 'Put Your Hands Up For Detroit' (Cr2/Data)
Rank 1 - 'Airwave' (Manifesto)
Solar Stone - 'Seven Cities’ (Hooj Choons)
Sash – ‘Encore En Fois’ (Multiply)


Chicane - 'Saltwater' (Xtravanganza)
Armand Van Helden - 'You Don't Know Me' (Southern Fried)
Underworld - 'Born Slippy' (Junior Boys Own)
System F - 'Out Of The Blue' (Tsunami)
N Trance - 'Set U Free' (AATW)
Robert Miles - 'Children’ (Deconstruction)
Darude - 'Sandstorm' (Neo)
Faithless - 'Insomnia' (Cheeky)
Paul Van Dyk - 'For An Angel' (Deviant)
Delerium – ‘Silence’ (Nettwerk)
Energy 52 - 'Cafe Del Mar' (Hooj Choons)
Cascada - 'Every Time We Touch' (n00b records)
wedgie22 said:
He's playing at about 141bpm I would say, doesn't make a difference to some tunes but there are some it really hurts. :(

thats 8bpm faster than the original - way too much

i wish i never sold my vinyl of this...:(:(
csmager said:
There's got to be Binary Finary's 1998, Paul Van Dyk's For An Angel, and most definitely Energy 52's Cafe del Mar 98 (3n1) at the top...
Ah well, 2 out of 3 ain't bad (different genre!). ;)
Gouryella - 'Gouryella' (Code Blue) - not bad, not a fave though
Baby D - 'Let Me Be Your Fantasy’ (Production) - do like this one
Southside Spinners - 'Luvstruck' (AM:PM) - always loved this one
Ian Van Dahl - 'Castles In The Sky' (Nu:Life) - wha??
The Source ft Candi Staton – ‘You Got The Love' (ZYX Records) - ok but bored of it
Fedde Le Grand - 'Put Your Hands Up For Detroit' (Cr2/Data) - no way
Rank 1 - 'Airwave' (Manifesto) - yes way
Solar Stone - 'Seven Cities’ (Hooj Choons) - meh not bad
Sash – ‘Encore En Fois’ (Multiply) - classic under 18s disco memories
Chicane - 'Saltwater' (Xtravanganza) - good tune
Armand Van Helden - 'You Don't Know Me' (Southern Fried) - one of my all time faves, up there with CAfe Del Mar for me
Underworld - 'Born Slippy' (Junior Boys Own) - overrated imho
System F - 'Out Of The Blue' (Tsunami) - decent enough
N Trance - 'Set U Free' (AATW) - swap this with Baby D position, but still a good tune
Robert Miles - 'Children’ (Deconstruction) - classic, always played every Saturday at Torquay United for a million years
Darude - 'Sandstorm' (Neo) - cheesy classic
Faithless - 'Insomnia' (Cheeky) - good but tad over rated
Paul Van Dyk - 'For An Angel' (Deviant) - great classic, good memories, jps bootleg v good
Delerium – ‘Silence’ (Nettwerk) - amazing
Energy 52 - 'Cafe Del Mar' (Hooj Choons) - amazing
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