Raid-0 issue - helpful advice needed!!!

24 Jul 2006
Evening all! Hope I can get some expert advice on an issue!

Story so far:

Have been running an Asus A7N8X-Deluxe in RAID-0 with a pair of Samsung 160GB spin points (SATA) for a couple of years. It seemed like a good idea at the time for that bit of extra speed and having run sweet as a nut for years I never bothered to back up (completely stupid I know). About 3 months ago the whole system was a complete non starter, the MB was at fault, returned to OCUK under 3 year warrenty. After an entertaining 2 1/2 month wait for Asus a replacement was sourced and should be arriving with me on Monday.

On to the big question.......... when the MB goes back in is it as simple as going into the Raid Utility (F4 on boot) and 'rebuilding' the raid set? Or am I up the creek without a paddle?!?

Please advise.

I'm not a major expert so go easy on me!

Many thanks
It not in the OS. If I remember correctly a floppy version of the Raid driver had to be installed during windows installtion 'press F6 to install third party raid controller' for windows to see the SATA controller.
So I would assume as long as you plug stuff back in the right way, it should see the disks as raid 0 and work normally.
Yes, it *should* be that easy but nothing is guaranteed. Make sure you are running the same RAID BIOS as before to minimise any errors and setuo obviously exactly as it was before. Should be fine tbh.
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