Raid 0 setup benchmarked..

27 Nov 2005
Hey guys,
I just setup my RAID 0 array on my computer with 2 x 200GB Samsung Spinpoint HDD. Just wondered how the results compared to you lot with your own RAID setups. I ran the HDtach benchmark proggie and got:
Burst Speed: 235.4MB/s
Random access: 14.7ms
Average Read: 95.8MB/s
Id be interested to see what your system specs are?

Is this with the onboard controller?

Was that benchmark with the 32mb test & can you provide a screenshot?

Thanks :)
Sounds about right. Access times seem slow as I thought the Sammies were fast drives but then again, what's 1 or 2 ms?
Set my 500GB RAID 0 array up earlier today (2 x 250GB WD RAID Edition) 32k stripe on a RocketRAID 133 controller

thinking of keeping these and selling my Raptors :o


Two 74GB Raptors for comparison on the same board (NF7-S v2)

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But being fair, LewisStuart, you are heavily crippled by the PCI-bus. In that sense, it would make sense for you to ditch the raptors and keep the 7200rpm drives as you cannot reap the extra reward of the raptors. Anyway, just a minor point. Sell em put the extra dosh elsewhere :D.
Sorry I was a little vague huh :) Right system setup it:
A64 3200+
1GB Geil Value
MSI Neo4 Platinum SLi
Using the NVraid drivers.
I was a little surprised at the access time as well..
I will put the screenies up in a sec..
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