I've decided to quieten down my file server, so I'm going to be flogging my 7200.10's, and have bought a load of samsung drives...
Now my controller card is an 8 port rocketraid thing, and right now I'm running 4 x 320gb 7200.10's. Right now I've got 4 320gb samsungs connected as well, and once I've finished transferring my terabyte of data over to the samsungs, all will be good.
I've got 1 problem tho, I bought 5 samsung drives overall, as I want 1.5tb instead of 1.2tb.
How hard will it be to add the extra drive into the RAID array? Will I be able to keep my data or will I have rebuild the array?
Now my controller card is an 8 port rocketraid thing, and right now I'm running 4 x 320gb 7200.10's. Right now I've got 4 320gb samsungs connected as well, and once I've finished transferring my terabyte of data over to the samsungs, all will be good.
I've got 1 problem tho, I bought 5 samsung drives overall, as I want 1.5tb instead of 1.2tb.
How hard will it be to add the extra drive into the RAID array? Will I be able to keep my data or will I have rebuild the array?