Just fitted my new controller, set up a Stripe with 2x Raptors.
And the speeds i'm getting using HD Tach, suck
Could anyone help me fix this problem, it's a SATAII card but SATA drives can work with it. It's PCI-e 1x. The reason I got the new card was because my onboard RAID controller didn't work unless it was at 35 C, and I cant be having that at this time of year
Saying that, my motherboard is one of the worst ( Pure Innovation ) and SiI3112 on that board give me better speeds that my new card gives me.
I think it's because the SiI3112 is SATA1, and my new card is SATA2. I also tryed the SATA2 controller on my board before I got the card, the drives worked at any temp so that was great. But the speeds I got on the SATA2 controller were the same speeds i'm getting with this card....
I was thinking of updating the BIOS on the card, but according to whats been updated on the latest BIOS nothing about performance is there.
Onboard 3112 Speeds: Burst - 130 MB/s : Constant 100 MB/s Read.
Addin RAID Controller Card: Burst - 82 MB/s : Constant 74 MB/s
Any help or suggestions would be much appriciated.
Is quite a drop
And the speeds i'm getting using HD Tach, suck
Could anyone help me fix this problem, it's a SATAII card but SATA drives can work with it. It's PCI-e 1x. The reason I got the new card was because my onboard RAID controller didn't work unless it was at 35 C, and I cant be having that at this time of year
Saying that, my motherboard is one of the worst ( Pure Innovation ) and SiI3112 on that board give me better speeds that my new card gives me.
I think it's because the SiI3112 is SATA1, and my new card is SATA2. I also tryed the SATA2 controller on my board before I got the card, the drives worked at any temp so that was great. But the speeds I got on the SATA2 controller were the same speeds i'm getting with this card....
I was thinking of updating the BIOS on the card, but according to whats been updated on the latest BIOS nothing about performance is there.
Onboard 3112 Speeds: Burst - 130 MB/s : Constant 100 MB/s Read.
Addin RAID Controller Card: Burst - 82 MB/s : Constant 74 MB/s
Any help or suggestions would be much appriciated.
Is quite a drop